Rand Paul Offers to Host State of the Union in the Senate After Pelosi Threatens to Cockblock It in the House

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2019

The Jewish media and the Jewish Democrats keep referring to Donald Trump as having a “tantrum,” though you could obviously apply the insult to Chuck and Nancy, who are keeping the government shut down in order to keep America’s borders open to illegal immigrants.

When you add that Nancy has now attempted to cockblock Trump from giving the State of the Union address, we are definitely beginning to feel that it is the other side that is throwing the tantrum.

The Hill:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Thursday suggested President Trump hold his State of the Union address in the Senate after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asked the president to postpone the Jan. 29 address amid the partial government shutdown.

“I think that’s a real affront to the American people,” Paul said on “Fox & Friends,” referring to Pelosi’s request.

Pelosi made the surprise request on Wednesday, warning that staging the speech amid the partial shutdown — which has affected both the Department of Homeland Security and Secret Service — creates security risks.

Paul said it would be the first time in U.S. history that the House denied the president a forum to speak and suggested Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) should host Trump.

“What I would suggest is — Senator McConnell’s in charge of the Senate; let’s host it in the Senate,” Paul said. “This would be the first time in history that the House would deny the president the forum of speaking.”

“If she’s going to do that, let’s hold it in the Senate,” Paul concluded.

The “Fox & Friends” hosts asked the live audience if they would support holding the State of the Union speech in the Senate, and they clapped in response.

Pelosi has not rescinded Trump’s invitation, but she controls the House and it is likely within her power to do so.

I think holding it in the Senate is the best course of action.

Allowing Pelosi to simply stop it from happening might make a point, but it also makes Trump look weak.