Daily Stormer
February 12, 2014

The Jew-loving shill Rand Paul is once again pretending to care about America and freedom, as he joins a class action lawsuit against the black president and several high-level officials over the NSA’s Orwellian domestic spying program.

From Time:
Paul said in a statement that surveillance of American citizens defies the fourth amendment, WFPL news reports. The 2016 presidential prospect will file the suit on Wednesday in Washington, D.C. and address reporters at a press conference.
“I expect this case to go all the way to the Supreme Court and I predict the American people will win,” Paul said in the statement from his political action committee RandPac.
Though I do indeed wish Paul the best in his efforts, it seems to be that someone so deeply entrenched in the Jewish agenda is very unlikely to be capable of even making small progress toward liberating us from the yolk of Jewish oppression.