Rape Game on the Isle of Man: Non-White Math Teacher Guilty of Raping School Girls

Daily Stormer
February 4, 2014

Davoud Taghinejad
Davoud Taghinejad.

Davoud Taghinejad, from where the hell ever, introduced ‘games’ into the children’s math lessons, where the children would hold their breath and he would feel for their heartbeat.

Unsurprisingly, these ‘games’ quickly progressed into rape.

From the BBC:

A maths teacher from the Isle of Man has been found guilty of rape and 10 counts of indecent assault.

Davoud Taghinejad, 58, who committed the crimes between 2011 and 2013, is being held in custody to await sentencing on Tuesday.

The assaults involved five girls who were aged between 13 and 17 at the time.

A jury of seven – three women and four men – delivered its verdict at Douglas Court House.

Deemster Alastair Montgomerie said Taghinejad was facing a “substantial” prison sentence.

He added: “It has taken a great deal of courage for the victims in this case to come forward and give evidence.

“They are all young girls and they should be proud of the dignity with which they have conducted themselves during these proceedings. I hope now they can move on with their lives.”