Somali Rapist Says Sharing Girls for Sex is Moslem Religious Requirement

Daily Stormer
December 3, 2014

Gang members booked a room at a Bristol hotel where a 13-year-old girl was then raped by three Somalian savages.

We have repeatedly tried to stress the point that these gang-rapes and prostitution rings committed by the immigrants are very often not simply random acts, but an actual organized campaign which connects back to the Islamic religion.

Recently, a Somalian gang-raper in the UK admitted as much.

These cultures, goyim: are you really so stupid and racist and evil that you cannot grasp their vibrancy?
These cultures, goyim: are you really so stupid and racist and evil that you cannot grasp their vibrancy?


The concrete monolith of Bristol’s Premier Inn hotel, at the foot of the M32 motorway, towers above the city centre.

Inside the imposing structure, in December 2012, a 13-year-old girl was raped by three men.

The discovery of that event set in motion a police investigation that uncovered a two-year catalogue of child sexual abuse by Somali men in the city.

The intelligence-led operation was assisted by members of the Somali community and vulnerable victims, who showed “remarkable courage” coming forward to police.

One of those convicted for abusing multiple victims told the court at his trial that sharing girls for sex “was part of Somali culture” and “a religious requirement”.

Following the convictions, Bristol Somali Forum they were “deeply shocked and shaken” by the revelations in the case.

In a statement they described the events as: “unforgivable acts of cruelty against the most vulnerable members of our community”.

Of course, we don’t take the Kosher Konservative line that if these savages would simply convert to Christianity they would stop behaving this way.  They would not.  It is in their blood.  The point is that just as Christianity is a manifestation of the racial soul of the White man, Islam is a manifestation of the racial soul of the various hordes of non-Whites.

Hugh Sherriffe has replaced the White director of Barnardos children’s charity and the BBC dishonestly used him to try and pretend the Somalian rapists were the exception to the rule.

Sure, if the savages take on the religion of the White man, that may have some effect on them, civilizing them a slight bit.  In the same way, White men who adopt Islam tend to become more savage.  It may also be that non-Whites who are prone to adopt Christianity have a genetic predisposition to a somewhat softer behavior pattern with the opposite being true for Whites who adopt Islam.  I am uncertain, but it should be investigated by scientists.

The bottom line however is that this is a racial issue and Islam itself is a racial phenomenon.  All culture is a manifestation of the blood.  It comes from nothing else.  History and the modern world show us this reality over and over and over again.