Rare Netflix Film Recommendation: Carbon

Diversity Macht Frei
May 1, 2019

It’s rare for me to recommend something on Netflix but here we go: Carbon.

This is a French film that is actually very watchable purely as entertainment. But two things about it make it particularly interesting. First, it depicts Jews engaged in dirty deeds, running massive scams that generate billions. The Jewishness of the characters is signalled quite openly. At various points, when they run into difficulties, they even discuss moving to Israel as a way out, as if it was a kind of “safe house”.

This kind of cinematic representation of Jewish depravity is very rare in serious film production. (Triple9 is the only other example that comes to mind.) And this is no doubt explained by the second thing that makes the film interesting: at least in its broad outlines, it’s a true story!

Apparently Jews ran a scam that involved skimming VAT money from the EU’s carbon-trading system. They netted billions within a few years. At some point they hooked up with Muslim gangsters to facilitate the scheme. And that’s where it started to go awry. Murders took place after some dispute between the Muslims and the Jews and this drew scrutiny from the police that eventually led to the unravelling of the scam.

In France, a total of 12 networks involving mostly Franco-Israeli citizens were created. They operated out of Paris and Marseille among groups who had previous experience with VAT fraud using material goods such as clothes, telephones and computers. Buying credits off the internet proved more lucrative and simpler. “I worked hard running my scams. But with the CO2, it wasn’t work at all,” one protagonist told French daily Le Monde.

Money came quick and plentiful and some protagonists spent it as fast as they earned it. One fraudster paid the US singers Puff Daddy and Pharell Williams to sing at his son’s Bar Mitzvah. But the party ended as spectacularly as it had begun. In June 2009, after warnings of possible fraud, France abolished the sales tax on the credits, and the carbon market scam collapsed.

In the following months, word spread in the underworld that huge amounts of money had been made. Police caught wind of a possible scam after a man with links to the networks was murdered near Paris in April 2010. Three other assassinations followed. Many of the fraudsters who had sought refuge in Israel started to raise suspicions from French criminal investigators. France and Israel began exchanging information which led to the first wave of arrests.


One of the Jews convicted in the scam even donated money to Netanyahu.

Imagine how different the world would be if we had an entire industry capable of churning out dozens of films like this every year, making subtle or not so subtle insinuations about the moral character of our ethnic adversaries. In other words, imagine that we could do to them what they do to us.