Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 5, 2015

No one is allowed to ever compare anything to Holocaust, except Jews who are allowed to compare everything they experience to the Holocaust. What they generally don’t do is compare the alleged suffering of others to their lampshade hoax. There are a few exceptions, and the drowning Mediterranean monkey “crisis” appears to be one such exception.
A dirty Jewess named Josie Glausiusz (@josiegz) has written a piece for Haaretz entitled “What anti-immigration party UKIP forgot about the Holocaust” wherein she tells some stupid fake story about her ancestors horrible suffering under Adolf Hitler, goes on to whine about drowned monkeys, then says UKIP needs to remember they’re doing a new Holocaust.

She rambles on for several paragraphs about how horrible it is that anyone would ever want their own country (funnily enough, she was writing this as Blacks riot in Israel over a Netanyahu crackdown – but don’t mind that), then goes on to say that she is, however, thankful that the UK provided shelter for her Jew ancestors who were fleeing everywhere.
It is never directly stated what exactly it is that UKIP has forgotten about the alleged Holocaust, but the implication is very clear: even attempting to limit the amount of foreigners in your country is tantamount to gassing millions of people to death in homicidal chambers with bug spray.
She concludes:
I am appalled by populist xenophobia, but at the same time, I have to remember – and am grateful – that Britain did indeed provide a haven to my family, not once, but three times. So on May 7, when Britons go to the polls, I hope that they remember their proud heritage of welcoming refugees — and reject the insidious vilification of immigrants as personified by UKIP.
It is very important that we remember that the immigrant agenda is a Jew agenda. Liberalism itself – mainly via feminism – is an invention of the Jews for the purpose of weakening the host countries they parasite off of. It is very easy to see the Jews continuing to drive this immigration agenda everywhere you look, constantly sabotaging any attempts by anyone to be realistic about the long-term effects of bringing millions of monkeys into your country for no reason.
What UKIP needs to remember about the Holocaust is that it didn’t actually happen and the fact that Jews claim it did shows just how snakelike these monsters are. They need to keep that well in mind in everything they do, as Jews lay in wait to destroy everything they have built.