Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2015
The rafaced Jewish monster Bill Maher appeared on Humpty-Dumpty Live to discuss the Paris Massacre and gave some of his thoughts on the Jew approach to dealing with Moslems.
Maher talked about how ridiculous it was that these men were killed “for the crime of drawing cartoons,” but the last person (that I am aware of) to be killed for cartoons was killed by the same snakes who killed Christ – Julius Streicher was executed – hanged, in fact – at the Nuremberg trials for drawing cartoons of Jews.

I am just going to assume that the sickening parasite Maher would not argue that Streicher’s murder was even wrong, let alone as bad as the Charlie Hebdo massacre, even though it was literally the exact same thing.
Maher then criticized his “tribe” – which he said was “liberals” but is actually baby-killing Jews – for censoring criticism of Islam. He is certainly correct that the Jew terrorists try and shut down criticism of Islam, but there are also many militant rats who push “kill all Moslems” type memes.
As always, the Jews are on both sides of everything, to ensure they control discussion and push things where they want them to go, but this difference in rhetoric usually relates to domestic vs. foreign policy – all Moslems in Western countries are innocent victim vibrant lambs, while all Moslems in the countries which neighbor Israel are vicious murderers who must be killed as children lest they grow up to commit another Shoah.
Mahar is taking a slightly variant third position, a somewhat retro Jew position: that Moslems need to convert to Atheism and join the cult of faggotry and feminism. He does not believe Moslems should be banned from entering Western countries as immigrants, he just believes they need to be indoctrinated against their own religion more once they arrive.
All three positions are obviously wrong. My positions: Moslems are a serious problem in the West, in their own countries who cares what they do it’s their own business. Maher’s third position is just dumb, as the history of Islam in France has shown Moslems won’t adopt secular liberalism in any significant numbers no matter how hard you push them.
The evil looking weasel Maher apparently continued his comments on his own show later on, but I can’t stand to watch anymore of this guy or even hear his whining Jew voice. Here is that show, for those interested.