Rather Than Stop Demographic Change, Crypto-Jew GOP Rep Demands Pandering

Diversity Macht Frei
February 18, 2018

In the stupidest idea of the week department we have Republican House member Ileana Ros-Lehtinen warning of coming demographic change, but rather than offer any suggestions on how to stop it, she instead believes it would be better to start pandering to minorities. However, if the GOP started pandering to non-whites and actively encouraged demographic collapse what exactly would be the differentiating factor from the Democratic Party?

She seems upset that most members of the Republican Party are whites:

Ros-Lehtinen decried that the growth of the GOP “seems to be very limited in a specific group.” But, she noted, “the demographics of our great country is changing greatly.”

According to her Wikipedia, Ros-Lehtinen’s maternal grandparents were Jewish. Her mother converted to Catholicism for purely material reasons (to marry Ros-Lehtinen’s father). Prior to the conversion however, she was apparently very active in Cuba’s Jewish community.

For those who think it’s a conspiracy theory that Jews want to make whites minorities in their own countries I would like to remind them of this stunning admission from a neocon Jew writing in Tabletmag

A staple of anti-Semitic complaint from the Nazis to Donald Trump’s newfound friends in the Klan is that Jews are always and everywhere the devious orchestrators of racial integration. Rootless cosmopolitans, Jews allegedly promote immigration and miscegenation so as to bring about a more diverse society in which they can sublimate their own ethnic difference. Through this “mongrelization,” Jews will precipitate the demise of white, Christian communities, thereby destroying the last vestige of resistance to their assertion of pernicious control.

Unlike other anti-Semitic memes, there is truth in this observation… Jews have indeed played disproportionate roles in struggles for racial equality, from the movement against South African apartheid to the cause of civil rights in the United States. And while Jews felt called to these movements by faith, universalistic political commitments, or an innate sense of justice, doing so was also in their communal self-interest. A country that is politically pluralistic, open to new ideas and new people, ethnically diverse, and respectful of religious difference, is a country that will naturally be safer for Jews than a country that is none of these things. This, I believe, is why so many Jews, foreign policy hawks or not, innately fear Donald Trump.

If a policy is in their ethnic self-interest they will try to implement it and to hell with their host country.