RATS! John McCain Home from the Hospital!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2017

We were all hoping to get the greatest Christmas present of all this holiday season: the death of John McCain.

Now, it seems that great gift may be in jeopardy.

Fox News:

Republican Sen. John McCain has returned home to Arizona, where he plans to stay until January, after he was hospitalized over side effects from treatment of brain cancer, the senator’s office announced Sunday.

The trip means McCain almost certainly will miss a crucial vote on the GOP-backed tax reform package this week. Still, Fox News is told that Republicans believe they still have enough votes to advance the package — as early as Tuesday night — even if McCain is out.

President Trump told reporters at the White House Sunday afternoon that he spoke to McCain’s wife, Cindy.

“I did speak to Cindy McCain, and I wished her well, I wished John well. They’ve headed back, but I understand he’ll come if we ever needed his vote — which hopefully we won’t,” Trump told reporters. “But the word is that John will come back if we ever needed his vote. And it’s too bad, he’s going through a very tough time, no question about it, but he will come back if we need his vote.”

“Senator McCain has returned to Arizona and will undergo physical therapy and rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic. He is grateful for the excellent care he continues to receive, and appreciates the outpouring of support from people all over the country. He looks forward to returning to Washington in January,” McCain’s office announced.

The House and Senate are scheduled to vote this week on the sweeping tax reform plan, which Trump has supported. House and Senate negotiators agreed Friday on a compromise bill that offers a substantial tax cut for corporations and across-the-board cuts for individuals, with final votes in the respective chambers expected this week, Fox News previously reported.

The 81-year-old McCain had been hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland.

Now in his sixth Senate term, McCain underwent surgery in mid-July to remove a 2-inch blood clot in his brain after being diagnosed with glioblastoma.

The life expectancy for the TOTALLY KICK ASS tumor he’s got is 18 months.

And he’s had it for a while.

So there’s a good chance he could have a seizure and die at any moment. Of course, ideally, he would die on the Senate floor in a humiliating way – foaming at the mouth and shitting himself as fellow traitors vomit.

But the real humiliation comes later. Sometime after McCain’s death, people are going to start dumping information on him. It is clear that he collaborated with the Viet Cong, for instance. He is also probably a homosexual, probably a child molester. I would also not be surprised to find that he’s active in some kind of elite satanic homosexual pedophilia cult like Alex Jones used to talk about.

This information may come out immediately after he dies. There is likely a group of people who know things who are as excited as we are to see the bastard dead.

The ideal situation would be for his fat whore of a daughter to then have a heart attack or to overdose on crack with one of her niggers.

Speaking of John McCain’s children and niggers – his son is married to one.

And not some kind of Zendaya-tier mulatto, but a straight-up tree-swinger.

We know that women sleep with niggers because they hate their fathers, but men do it why? For the same reason?

Point being: Azzmador has promised a podcast marathon celebration with a star-studded line-up as soon as McCain dies (unless it is actually on Christmas – not because Azz isn’t a SOLDJAH, but because the stars wouldn’t want to come on).

Stars will include:

  • Morrakiu*
  • Sacco Vandal*
  • Andrew Anglin
  • weev
  • Lee Rogers
  • Eric Striker
  • Mike Enoch*
  • Seventh Son*
  • Jazzhands McFeels*
  • Ricky Vaughn*
  • Jason Kessler*
  • Richard Spencer*
  • Jared Taylor*

*Has not committed to be on the show or been told about it.

We will also be discussing the odds that McCain has already transferred his consciousness to a computer and is planning to return and finish off America.