r/CoonTown Falls! But CoonTown Never Dies!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 5, 2015

They thought they could stop a Town of Coons. They were wrong.
They thought they could stop a Town of Coons. They were wrong.

/r/CoonTown has fallen.

Reddit, a website which once referred to itslef as a “bastion of free speech,” has silenced the speech of people critical of the collective behavior of Blacks.

But worry ye not – for a new Town of Coons has been erected in the land of voat.

Because CoonTown Never Dies!

What’s more, an operation has begun against Reddit, to make them suffer for their crimes against freedom.

And you too can join in on this adventure. Whether you are interested in glory or lols, you will have both.

Project Hatefuck has begun.