Re: The Anti-Gun Control Chick at Kent State University

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2018

One of the biggest problems I have with women being involved in politics and public life is that they are stupid.

This for example seems like a nice little conservative Second Amendment story, right?

Fox News:

A conservative woman who recently graduated from Kent State University has received threats after she took aim at her school’s anti-gun policies in a photo shoot where she carried an AR-10 and wore a cap that said, “Come and take it.”

Kaitlin Bennett, a 22-year-old Second Amendment supporter from Zanesville, Ohio and founder of Liberty Hangout at Kent State, a student media outlet that promotes libertarian values, posed in front of the Kent Student Center for the tweet that has gone viral..

“I wanted to draw attention to the gun policies on campus that allow guests to open carry, but not students,” she said. “I find it insulting that the school values the lives of their guests more than those attending the university for four years.”

The university has a rule against students, faculty, and staff carrying “deadly weapons.” But Kent State University spokesman Eric Mansfield told Fox News that because Bennett is no longer a student, she violated no policies.

“After graduation, she joined the ranks of our proud graduates,” Mansfield said. “So at the time of this photo, she and other graduates would be permitted to open carry on our campus.”

So, a cute little protest, a cute little point made.

A fair point, in fact – why should students not be able to carry guns?

But look at the actual tweet…

“Especially since 4 unarmed students were shot and killed by the government on this campus” refers to the May 4, 1970 event when pro-communist student activists rioted on campus and got shot by the National Guard.


The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre) were the shootings on May 4, 1970 of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by United States military forces. Twenty-eight guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

They had been rioting and attacking cops for months.

Days before the event, they had Israeli-educated Jewish communist Jerry “Kill Your Parents” Rubin give a speech and rile them up.

Jerry Rubin, revolutionary communist Jew with a small penis

These “unarmed protesters” were a militant revolutionary group. They refused to disperse after being told to and having tear gas fired at them, and instead continued to rush the Guard. And it was alleged but never proved either way that a sniper opened fire on the Guard before the Guard opened fire on the rioters.

At least 3 of the 4 killed were Jews. Just for the record. Haaretz noted in 2015 that this was “surprising” because the percentage of Jewish students on the campus never surpassed 5%.

So this is a weird event to tie Second Amendment rights to, given that the Second Amendment is not generally used to defend communist insurrection.

Firstly, promoting the leftist narrative of that event is not really a conservative talking point. Generally, conservatives – even those critical of the Vietnam war, which most are these days – did not think the pro-communist rallies, stirred up by Jews, across American college campuses in the 60s and early 70s were a positive thing.

At the time, a lot of people were like “welp. Maybe you shouldn’t have been rioting for communism, in which case you would not have been shot.”

Secondly – what is the message there? That the student revolutionaries in 1970, led by Jewish communists, should have had guns and used them to shoot at the National Guard during their riot?

I don’t see any other way to interpret that Tweet.

So, there are several issues here. There is the obvious problem that women are stupid, and should stay the hell out of political discourse. And there is the fact that it is never helpful for conservatives to adopt liberal narratives and try to reverse them. “Conservatives are the real communist insurrectionists” is a fitting companion to “liberals are the real racists.” And that is a problem.

To be Clear

I am 100% in support of the right of students to carry guns on campus. In fact, I am for arming high school students.

However, the narrative on why that is necessary is that:

  1. We have a right to be armed, and
  2. This will prevent these bizarre school shooting events.

The narrative is NOT that we need guns to throw a communist revolution on campus and shoot at the military.