REAL NEWS: Russia and China are Planning to Launch Nukes at MIAMI from Venezuela!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2019

I was really against the Trump Administration’s evil Jew plot to launch an invasion of Venezuela to bring freedoms and democracies to the communist South American country.

But then I heard about the Chink/Russkie plot to nuke Florida from Venezuela.

I am a full #MiamiLad and this simply will not do.

It’s time for WAR.

Washington Examiner:

Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro is giving Russian and Chinese military forces the ability to better infiltrate the American mainland, a Republican senator warned Thursday.

“We’re going to have a problem whether we want to acknowledge it or not,” Florida Sen. Rick Scott said on stage at the American Enterprise Institute. “Once they have the foothold in Venezuela, they can come here by land eventually. Our southern border is very porous, as we know. With the right military assets, they can hit Florida or any place else.”

Scott, a member of the Senate Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, argued not just that “the United States must consider the use of military assets” to deliver humanitarian aid to Venezuela over Maduro’s objections. He raised the prospect of a full military intervention to overthrow the regime, saying that Venezuela has turned into an important theater of “great power confrontation” among the United States, Russia, and China.

“The Cubans, Russians, and Chinese see Venezuela as an economic opportunity, but more importantly, they see a chance to intimidate the United States, to be a thorn in our side,” Scott said in his speech. “Here’s the truth: We simply cannot allow our adversaries in Russia, China, or Cuba to gain a foothold in Venezuela.”

The United States and other Western democratic powers recognized opposition lawmaker Juan Guaidó as the interim president of Venezuela in January, after Maduro claimed to have secured another term as president in an election that international observers condemned as fraudulent. The Venezuelan constitution gives the legislature the power to authorize “foreign military missions within the country,” but it has not yet made that request of the U.S., perhaps due to doubts about how Trump would respond.

“If the Venezuelan people, through their elected national assembly and their own laws and constitution, request assistance to restore constitutional government and democracy, we should be ready to answer that call,” Scott said.

“The United States needs to start considering the use of military assets to bring aid to the millions of starving and sick Venezuelans,” Scott said. “And I call on all of our allies and those supporting Guaidó to help us in this effort.”

“If you look at the amount of military assets we have dedicated to this hemisphere, it’s pretty weak,” he said in discussion with Roger Noriega, an AEI visiting fellow and former assistant secretary of state for the Western Hemisphere. “I think that’s why … you’re seeing Russia is going to continue to build up assets.”

I now support a full-on invasion of Venezuela to oust this horrible dictator.

Hands off my Miami, commies!