Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2018
An infamous hacker whose name I dare not say aloud has forwarded an interesting theory worthy of some deep consideration: are we all actually living in Hell?
Looking at the general situation we find ourselves in, this theory appears to make sense on the face of it.
Just to list a few indications we actually live in Hell:
Evil, monstrous nonhuman beings (which appear to be demonic in nature) flooding in and raping and murdering us on a mass scale
Rule by the killers of Christ
Widescale belief in nonsensical gibberish by the general population
Celebration of homosexuality
Government assisting homosexuals to kidnap and rape children
Tranny children encouraged by their parents as a celebration of moral superiority
Being ruled over by women
Mass addiction to poisonous drugs
Irredeemable, bloodsucking whores
Mass obesity
The persecution of righteousness
History’s most heroic men are defiled as the incarnation of evil
Mass abortion
Selling the bodies of dead babies for medical experiments
Destruction of the natural world
The name and image of Christ cursed everywhere we look
Total death of masculinity among general population
A hatred of beauty and a celebration of ugliness
And we could of course go on and on and on with these indications that the world we live in is actually Hell.
The theory is, generally, very sound, as I think everyone would have to admit.
Why I Do Not Believe This is Hell
The situation is hellish. No one can deny that.
However, the Christian imagining of Hell is that of eternal damnation, without the possibility of redemption.
At this present point, I still believe that redemption is possible. I believe, with all of my heart, that we are capable of overcoming this evil, and creating a new world, where goodness and beauty rule.
I have seen signs of this. I have seen light peaking through this darkness, which assures me that this darkness is not eternal. Not yet.
It is the duty of each of us, as individuals, to overcome all of this evil around us, and to seek the light of redemption.