Red Cross Team Become Latest Victims of Misplaced White Altruism in Ebola Saturated Africa

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2014

Of course there is no danger of there being a back spray from the pressure washer being used to hose down the health worker soaked in ebola juice.

How much more evidence does the White man need that he is not helping anyone by interfering with the Ebola infected Africans?

The Blacks do not want our help, and all we do by trying is put other White people at risk of catching it.

Whenever there are too many of something in nature, nature has a way of taking care of it.

Thanks to us interfering with the natural state of the Black, they have been able to reproduce at a most alarming rate, with some countries in Africa having as much as 50% of the population under 20 years of age.

They are not capable of looking after themselves or even feeding themselves and if we take on that responsibility, we will eventually have no time or resources left at all for looking after ourselves.

Trying to prevent Ebola from running its course in Africa is like running on a treadmill – it will never actually get us anywhere and will just tire us out completely.

The latest gift of gratitude from the savages has been to attack the Red Cross team that was collecting the infected bodies for them. They even wounded one worker in the neck.

This comes on top of abducting and killing eight health workers last week, who had been trying to educate the natives about the dangers of the disease.

Doctors have been stoned, threatened and attacked all over Africa, as well as actually contracted the disease and then brought it back with them to White countries.

Obama is now sending 3,000 American troops to somehow ‘fight’ the virus.

This is insane. You cannot fight the natural order and the natural order has never meant having a Black planet. Nature will do all it can to prevent that happening and we should be working with her, not against her.

Helpful to put the signs in English.


One Red Cross worker is recovering after being wounded in in the neck in Tuesday’s attack in Forecariah, according to Benoit Carpentier, a spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.Family members of the dead initially set upon the six volunteers and vandalized their cars, said Mariam Barry, a resident. Eventually a crowd went to the regional health office, where they threw rocks at the building.

The attack is the most recent in a series that have plagued teams working to bury bodies safely, provide information about Ebola and disinfect public places. The most shocking was the abduction and killing last week in Guinea of eight people, health workers educating people about Ebola and the journalists accompanying them.

Ebola is believed to have infected more than 5,800 people in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal. The unprecedented size and sweep of the outbreak have led governments to impose severe measures to control it, like a recent nationwide lockdown in Sierra Leone to look for the sick and spread information. On Wednesday, Sierra Leone said 30 more cases uncovered during the shutdown tested positive for Ebola, raising the total number discovered over the three days to 160.

Resistance to efforts to control the disease — from outright denials that Ebola exists to fears that the very people sent to combat it are in fact carriers — has frustrated efforts to end or slow the disease’s spread in all three of the most affected countries, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, say officials.

In April, Doctors Without Borders briefly pulled out its team from the Guinean town of Macenta after their clinic was stoned. In Liberia, the homes of some of the infected have been attacked. Last week, Red Cross workers were threatened in Sierra Leone, Carpentier, the Red Cross spokesman, said.

The virus is spread through the roadkilled vermin that they regularly eat.