Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 21, 2015

Ellen Pao, the Asian CEO of Reddit, was recently interviewed by NPR about their new “no harassment” rules, which many thought could be new oppressive Jew censorship.
But Pao remains Asian, and continues not to care about whether or not people want to gas kikes.
The interviewer, Robert Siegel – probably a Mexican – actually asked her directly about r/GasTheKikes, and she was a bit evasive but clearly indicated she had no issue with people who either desire to gas kikes or actually do it IRL.
There are discussion threads at Reddit called subreddits, some of which are overtly anti-black or anti-Semitic. If a Jewish Redditor looked at a subreddit called, very offensively, “Gas The Kikes” and said it makes them feel unsafe to participate, would you take down that subreddit?
The question is whether it would make them fear for their safety, or the safety of those around them or where it makes them feel like it’s not a safe platform. Somebody expressing ideas that aren’t consistent with everybody’s views is something that we encourage. There are certain posts that do make people feel unsafe, that people feel threatened or they feel that their family or friends or people near them are going to be unsafe, and those are the specific things that we are focused on today.
It’s not our site’s goal to be a completely free-speech platform. We want to be a safe platform and we want to be a platform that also protects privacy at the same time.
Thanks, Ellen!
We love you long time also!
What with Whites being such little bitches these days, I’d be great if Asians just ran all internet companies. Reddit is truly one of the last bastions of freedom. It is way freer than 4chan, which actually banned #Gamergate as part of yet another Jewish cuckspiracy.

Meanwhile, Mamasan Squint-Eyes McSuckySucky is standing up to a Jew interviewer like “yeah, no, actually we have no problem with people using our services to gas kikes and start a race war.”
Fun Fact: Pao is married to Negro con-artist Buddy Fletcher who sues people because he is Black. Seriously, his whole deal is like “I’m Black so you gotta give me that cash.”
She has a kid with the guy, married him just a few months after they’d met.
What a weird person.
Anyway, at least she’s on our side against these kikes, for whatever reason.