Ref-U-Seeya Later, Fags: Trump Cockblocks All Haji Rent-Seekers! NO VISAS!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2017

We hailed the dawn of a new age of pussy-grabbing.

But lo, also shall the people hail the dawn of a new age of cockblocking…!

For lo, the people, they hunger: for Justice.

Pussies will be grabbed.

Cocks will be blocked.

And there, from the ashes: a phoenix rises.


An executive order signed by President Donald Trump on Friday calls the admittance of Syrian national refugees into the US “detrimental,” and halts the visa waiver program until “sufficient changes” to the US Refugee Admissions Program are made.

I hereby proclaim that the entry of more than 50,000 refugees in fiscal year 2017 would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and thus suspend any such entry until such time as I determine that additional admissions would be in the national interest,” the executive order says, according to the text published by The New York Times.

No countries except Syria are mentioned in the order, but it refers to a statute that would apply to six other Muslim-majority nations: Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iran, Reuters reports.

“I’m establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America. Don’t want them here,” Trump said at the Pentagon earlier on Friday, as quoted by Reuters.

“We only want to admit those into our country who will support our country and love deeply our people,” the president added.

The executive order calls for a pause in visa applications for at least 120 days, or four months. However, there are some exceptions for certain types of visas, including those for diplomats and the UN.





Even the top cucks are bending the knee

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) issued a supportive statement, saying, “Our number one responsibility is to protect the homeland. We are a compassionate nation, and I support the refugee resettlement program, but it’s time to reevaluate and strengthen the visa vetting process.”

The order took effect immediate, leading to “chaos” for Arab-Americans whose family members were already en route for a visit, the legal and policy director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Abed A. Ayoub, told Reuters.

His concerns were echoed by Jen Smyers of the Church World Service, a protestant organization that works with refugees, who cited an Iraqi mother whose 18-year-old twin daughters are in Iraq at the moment and now “won’t be able to join their mother in the US.”



Who cares???

You shouldn’t have based the structure of your life on the theory that white people were going to take care of you like you are little babies for all of eternity!

Eleven Nobel laureates and thousands of other renowned academics have signed a petition opposing the order, calling it discriminatory and detrimental to national security.

The petition stresses that the measure imposes an undue burden on people who are “our students, friends, colleagues, and members of our communities.”

One of the petition’s organizers said on Friday that about 10 emails a minute have been pouring in, while noting 15 to 20 volunteers are working on adding signatures.

Malala Yousafzai, the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, has also slammed President Trump’s order, saying she was “heartbroken” because “President Trump is closing the door on children, mothers, and fathers fleeing violence and war.”

The 19-year-old Pakistani activist, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 and now lives in the UK, gained international recognition in 2012 when the Taliban shot her in the head for promoting education for girls.


Yeah, trust the Paki bitch who had half her brain blown out – she knows what’s best. She’s smarter than Donald Trump…!

This “it will harm national security” argument is absolutely friggin insane. If you listen to what they are actually explaining when they say that, they say that if you limit Moslem immigration, the Moslems that are already here will get angry and start murdering people.

Seriously, that’s their argument: that we’re being held ransom, and shouldn’t dare to back out of this hostage situation.

Well, go ahead, hajis.

Do it then.

We’re not playing games anymore.

Blow something up on Trump’s watch and see what the hell happens.

If you feelin froggy.
