Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2013
Update: Database has been restored. Because I am a genius and actually did have backups.
It will take me an hour to go through and repost all that was posted in the last two days.
The only thing that has been lost is the comments made in the last two days. Wasn’t a way around that. But we got back 700 or so posts. It’s a fair trade.

As you are all no doubt aware, on October 30th, the Daily Stormer was hacked. At first, I thought all that had happened was that a line of code had been inserted which redirected all clicks to the Wikipedia entry for Zionism. After fixing this relatively small issue, I then realized that posts were disappearing. Someone was manually going through and deleting things they didn’t like. By the time I was able to get things locked up, about a third of the 2200 posts on the site had been permanently deleted.
The majority of the deleted posts are from the Jewish Problem section. An entire month of posts was deleted, as you are now seeing posts from September on the first page. Also, almost all of the Shill Watch posts were deleted, as well as most of the History posts. They seemed to have targeted original material, as well as things that they did not like.
I am still waiting for a response from my host to see if they have a way to help me restore these posts.
Unrelated Attack
Coincidentally, the same night the hacking occurred, I got jumped, and mugged, while attempting to procure a package of cigarettes.

I will surely live. I don’t even think my Jaw is broken; just a bit swollen. Not really here nor there, as if I went to a doctor here, these Slavs would probably give me leech-treatment, if not perform some type of voodoo ritual over me. Good part is, I didn’t get hit in the nose.
Minor concussion seems to be clearing up nicely, but has made difficult site to work on the problems of it at hacking to the website.
For the record, I have marks from teeth on my knuckles, and the only way they got me was mace. I had never been maced in my life, or even heard of it happening in a mugging, but let me tell you, it sucks. Seriously, you go almost totally blind, and it feels like exactly six million needles in your eyeballs.
Anyway, such is life. Wounds heal. But my cellphone is gone, which is something of a problem, as I used this a lot for dealing with issues relating to the site, checking emails and comments and such, as well as often for a modem when I am in crappy places with no wifi. So that is now an issue.
As it seems impossibly unfortunate that I would get my ass beat and my phone taken in the same day as I got hacked, there is at least a 35% chance both were done by the same people.
Over the last two days, I’ve been feeling frustrated. Obviously. This is a whole lot of work I do, and get very little support in the way of donations, promotional assistance or website aid.
I can understand if people are strapped for cash, we all surely are these days, but it seems like if you read the site every day, or every other day, as several thousands of people do, then sending $5 shouldn’t be a huge burden. And if you don’t have that, you can at least help spread the word about the site, post articles on Facebook or in comments or whatever.
One of you has to know WordPress and be able to do reposts. It would help a whole lot if someone could do that.
Anyway, I won’t press that issue, and I surely am not going to stop doing what I’m doing simply because I get hacked or maced or no donations. But just know that I am doing my best, sometimes things are hard, and anything you can do helps.
Moving Forward
I don’t know how much time to spend trying to recover old posts. I guess I will figure that out when I’ve fully recovered from my concussion.
If the host is able to do it, then that is that, but these people are highly incompetent and I mainly only use them because they won’t shut my site down because of letters from the ADL.
Also, please do not ask me why I don’t have a back-up, because I don’t want to talk about it (I thought I did have a back up, and actually do not).
So, if that doesn’t work out, then I will have to figure out what important stuff was lost, and try to recover that.
I have already restored “Jewish Degenerate Lou Reed Finally Dead,” as I think that article might have been what triggered the hacking, and I want it back up to show resolve. We may note here that the hacker is either someone who thinks “not all Jews are Zionists,” and that I am really a Zionist, because I label all Jews as enemies (and also talk about black and other nonwhite issues); this is why, presumably, they linked every article to “Zionism,” and then decided to pick and choose from what they deleted. But it could just be a normal enemy Jew pretending to have done this for that reason. Possibly the latter is more likely.
Anyhoo, the articles are already cached by Google – I assume all of them are – so we can get back anything anyone can remember from there. I should get a response from the host in the next day or so, and if they can’t do anything, I’ll put a call out for people to post links to cached pages of anything they think is particularly important and in need of restoration.
As this is a news site, I am more concerned about what is new, and would rather spend my time on that. The classic original stuff should be restored, the rest of it doesn’t much matter.
I’ve already signed up and paid for some extra security such and such, as well as some better backup tools, so we should definitely be better prepared to deal with this sort of thing in the future.
A Badge of Honor
Ultimately, as many have already pointed out, this is something to be very proud of. Someone is worried enough about my operation to launch an operation against it.
We never get anyone trying to debate us. We only get name calling, and now this.
We are really gaining ground in the rankings.

Just about four months, and we are definitely the number one nationalist new site in the world, and one of the top nationalist sites period.
We are telling the whole truth, which is something very few others have the bravery to do, and so it is only natural that we are attacked by the Jews.
As Joseph Goebbels said “He who is not persecuted by the Jews … is useless and dangerous.”
Things might be slow the next couple days, but within the next three we should be up and running at full steam again, and ready to repair what needs to be repaired, and then push forward in this war against our Eternal Enemy.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin
Here are the original comments on this post – from before the revert. Still had the window open.