Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2013

In the mid-2000s, following the rise of the lunatic paranoia merchant and spineless plagiarist, Alan Watt, Alex Jones and others in the alleged truth movement began to incorporate the nonsensical and baseless assertion that the “elite” have a secret plan to “depopulate” the planet, and that this somehow relates to eugenics. To support this theory, Watt and his parrots cite the fact that nearly everything in our environment causes cancer. Given that these theories still hold a degree of influence on certain circles, I feel it is worthwhile to thoroughly explain why it is that a disregard for the health of the population by the ruling capitalist/Jewish class does not somehow equal a secret conspiracy to “depopulate” the world as a part of some kind of vague satanic plan.
Almost everything in our environment causes cancer because the capitalist corporations that produce these products do not care that they cause cancer. Petrochemicals, poisonous pesticides and herbicides, artificial sugars, partially-hydrogenated fats, genetically engineered crops, pharmaceuticals and drug treatments for livestock and on and on are all produced because they are the most profitable available option. In order to argue what Jones argues, it would need to be that either a.) faceless multinational corporations are supposed to have high moral standards within the modern capitalist system and have only disregarded them because of a satanic conspiracy, which I don’t think anyone would argue, or b.) that they are only the most profitable because this secret satanic group directed the entire apparatus of scientific research over a period of decades to ensure that only products which cause cancer were allowed to be developed, making these current products the most profitable to corporations, as they are the only ones developed by science.

Can you imagine gentile scientists being told “okay, we need you to make this product in a way so that it gives people cancer.” Can you imagine corporate executives sitting around talking about how they need to give more people cancer? Does this make any sense at all? Clearly the implication is that they have such discussions at their Masonic Lodges and Bohemian Grove in between alleged satanic sacrifices, but think about it in practical terms. At some point, someone at all of these various companies is going to have to tell a teams of scientists that they specifically need to design products which cause cancer, while intentionally avoiding possibly safer options by redirecting research. This would have to be coordinated between all of the various different corporations working in all the various industries in which cancer-causing products are produced. It would have to involve literally tens of thousands of researchers, technicians and other corporate employees. No evidence exists, and there is no reason to believe it is happening.
And what would be the purpose? To fulfill the will of Satan? Really? What other purpose could there possibly be in taking 10-20 years off of peoples lives by giving them cancer through various poisonous consumer products? Environmentalism? Why are the same companies, the very same products in fact, which kill human beings, causing an absolute ecocide? Think about this – Monsanto is cutting down literally the entire Amazon rainforest so that they can grow products designed to kill off the population by shortening their lives by roughly 15% so that they can save the environment. In fact, as the corporations are doing as much harm to every other living thing on the planet as they are to human beings, it seems that if we are to assert that they have an agenda to “depopulate” human beings, they also have a clear agenda to “depopulate” all other life on the planet, while completely stripping the guts of the earth itself of all mineral resources.
On top of this, it is difficult to imagine a less efficient form of “depopulation” than giving people cancer through consumer products. Cancer very rarely sets in before a person has passed the age where they are likely to produce children. The most efficient way of reducing the global population would be to sterilize third world populations – where people are actually multiplying exponentially – as part of either a secret poisoning of the water supply (which the puppet ruling class of these nations could easily be convinced to do by the western powers), or by an open social program which offers material benefits for men and women willing to undergo the cheap and painless process of chemical sterilization, which would have very wide appeal in the impoverished third world, especially if it was marketed to impressionable youths through propaganda in the schools which the UN dictates the curriculum of in almost every country on the planet. Third world nations could also be pressured into enacting a Chinese-style one-child policy.

No aspect of this “cancer as population control” theory makes any sense, on any level whatsoever. It just doesn’t. It is baseless sensationalized gibberish, from start to finish.
There is no secret mystery here, the obvious thing is happening – the Jewish doctrines of capitalism and materialism have replaced traditional White morality. These poisonous products are the most profitable because the research did not include a moral prerogative, and through the normal course of research and development, it happened that less healthy products were discovered to be much cheaper to produce than healthy products while the medical establishment discovered that unhealthiness is a lot more profitable than healthiness. Corporate employees working in the production and sale of these products are able to justify themselves with the old capitalist line that “people have a choice as to what they buy,” and medical professionals rely entirely on literature published, and research paid for by, multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Death of the Great White Race
While a secret plan to “depopulate” the planet in general is entirely laughable, there is clearly a concerted effort – usually unconscious, existing as a biological imperative for the Jewish people, but occasionally existing on a conscious level – to destroy the White race. This is, however, an agenda which exists on an economic, social, cultural and psychological level. Jones and Watt want to constantly go on about the dropping rate of fertility in the Western world, but the fact is that most White people have no desire to reproduce, and those that do, even if they have fertility problems, are almost always candidates for fertility treatment; very few couples are sterile to the point where where they are incapable of producing a child after seeking advanced medical assistance.
The fact is, due to the collapse of traditional Western sexual morality by the Jewish media, the inability of men and women to maintain relationships due to various social engineering programs, as well as economic pressures and considerations, White western people are not interested in producing children. Officially, at least one-third of White pregnancies end in abortion, and I suspect the number is much higher than that in reality. The Jews are flooding our societies with non-white immigrants, which are eventually going to choke us out, while whites are encouraged to interbreed with non-whites.
All of these things are very real, and we can see them. There is no need for a secret mystery conspiracy. It is all happening right in front of our eyes.
Explaining Away the Eternal Jew
The reason people like Alex Jones and Alan Watt need to put forward these types of conspiracy theories is that when you are unwilling to name the Jew, for financial or personal reasons, you are required to come up with a variant explanation for all of the horrible things that are happening in the world. The problems in the world today are caused by the genetic drive of the Jew to weaken or destroy all people around him, which he instinctively views as a threat. Though Jews certainly conspire to certain ends, in the larger scheme of things this is not an overarching conspiracy, but an unconscious manifestation for the racial nature of the Jew.

As no one is presently willing to directly acknowledge this reality, we are instead given an impossibly complicated and convoluted conspiracy theory based around the idea that our present situation is caused purely by the ideology of a group of individuals. Those who are willing to name the Jew present this in terms of a religious or political ideology held by the Jews, but those such as Alex Jones and his army of parrots, who are unwilling to even name the Jew at all, must come up with even more delusional explanations of this alleged conspiracy.
Alex Jones pushes the idea of a secret group of nameless satanists as those responsible for the present problems. The secret group is vaguely implied to be made up of all rich people, including bankers, politicians, corporate CEOs and media personalities, who he collectively refers to as “the Globalists” (he started using this term six or so years ago – when I first heard him he was calling them “the Illuminati”). He claims that they are doing all these horrible things to our society because they are involved with Satan – he then says that even if you don’t believe in Satan, it doesn’t matter because they do, and this belief is the driving force behind their ideology.
Regardless of the fact that only slight circumstantial evidence exists to support these claims, this bizarre and unlikely narrative sloppily fulfills both the desire to know who is introducing these destructive and unnatural factors into our society, as well as why. He uses a barrage of disconnected empirical facts as a means to present himself as credible, filling in the blanks with this baseless gibberish about Satanism. As his listeners are generally people who have become disillusioned with mainstream society, and are starving for truth after realizing that they have been fed lies their entire lives, they eat this stuff up without asking too many questions.

Starting 15 years ago with his initially flawed premise that the causes of social, economic and political turmoil stem from individual ideology, he has, over the years, gone in increasingly delusional directions. After coming in contact with Alan Watt – who put a twist on material he stole from William Cooper, John Coleman and a paranoid schizophrenic names Glenn Kealey, who’s newsletters he directly plagiarized in his “Cutting Through” series of books – Alex incorporated large potions of that man’s insane theories and ideology into his own, including the idiotic assertion that eugenics and population control are the same thing, and that these are among the goals of the secret satanic Freemasons.
Letting Go
When people become aware of some of the facts that Jones presents regarding things like 9/11, the truth about America’s wars, the fake nature of the political system, the destructiveness of the medical industry, and so on, they attach those ideas to the ideology that he presents, becoming incapable of distinguishing truths he gives out from the theoretical and philosophical ideas presented; both the idea that the cause of these problems is ideological in nature and that libertarian politics are the solution become synonymous in the mind of the follower as “the truth.”
Due to this, even when people get fed up with Jones’ constant money-grubbing and generally insane manner of speaking, they turn to other people who are promoting a virtually indistinguishable doctrine, perhaps switching around a few aesthetic details. Regrettably, I must include those personalities and websites which implicate the Jew, but do so only in terms of religious or political ideology, lacking the understanding, personal integrity and strength of will to acknowledge this this monster for what it is.
The hard fact is that we are dealing with a racial problem. This is a very difficult thing to accept. It was difficult for me personally, just as it was difficult for Adolf Hitler, who said the following in Mein Kampf about his eventual understanding of the Jew:
My opinions on antisemitism also slowly changed with the passing of time, and this was the most difficult change I ever went through. It was the most difficult of all my spiritual struggles. Only after battling for months between understanding and feelings did the voice of reason finally win. Two years later, feelings followed understanding, and from then on, understanding was the most faithful watchman and guardian I could have had with me.
European peoples are naturally compassionate towards all people, and so we have difficulty imagining the idea that the Jews, as a race, indeed have a racial desire to destroy us as a people. Even without all of the cultural Marxist indoctrination into the idea that “race does not exist,” this is an extremely uncomfortable concept to grapple with; when the majority of the white population was opposed to the institution of slavery in the United States, they didn’t take the attitude of “these people are exactly like us, except for their culture,” in fact they were recognized as being very different in many ways, but they felt for the black slaves because they were living humans with feelings and emotions, and subjecting them in the way that the American system had done was clearly against our most fundamental principles as a race.
Coming to an understanding of the Jew is indeed, as Hitler told us: a spiritual struggle. In the name of truth, we must overcome our feelings with understanding. Once we have done this, we are half-way to victory. When feeling follows understanding, we will be that much closer to dealing with the system under which our people suffer on the terms required to conquer it.