Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2018
This is a comment from the Stormer BBS, which I found to be usefully phrased:
These celebs are false idols. They are deeply neurotic people who find fame because they’re good looking with perhaps a modicum of talent here or there, but the Jews love these unstable types.
Marlon Brando was a child like low character neurotic who had no idea who he was – he told Larry Kind in that 1994 interview where he kissed King on the lips he was “Jewish in spirit” – a mixed up kid who found himself “adopted” by these hundreds of Jews of NY and LA in the acting and entertainment profession like Stella Adler and look what happened to him: divorced numerous times, overweight for decades, homosexual dalliances, his son killed his sister’s boyfriend, etc. But he was still worshipped by people.
I remember years ago Joe Rogan said in a stand-up bit that he did a double take at the supermarket when someone addressed him with “sir”. “Huhhh?” This was galling to Rogan because he, like Brando, like Affleck, like hundreds of these people, never grew up. It’s why Sandra Bullock adopted and paraded a niglet token of her moral salvation. It’s why Chris Farley and River Pheonix overdosed. It’s why David Letterman became a broken, old cantankerous commie towards the end. They are children at a day care managed by impish kikes hopelessly chasing their tails until they burn out and die.
Celebrity culture is the most bizarre thing any society has ever been structured around.
These psychological and spiritually defeated degenerates serve as stand-ins for myths of heroes.
It is a lower form of culture than the most primitive African tribal worship of rocks and trees to promote the lowest and most broken form of human to godlike status.
Thankfully, one positive effect of the internet and the atomization of culture on the whole is that celebrity as core aspect of shared culture has peaked and is now on the decline. Of course, the reason for this is that there is no more shared culture, as the online world has allowed people to create individualized echo chambers.
Who is even the celebrity that everyone knows right now?
I can’t think of it.
There are no more movie stars, really. There are no more rock stars.
Even major sports are failing. There are more sports and more options for other types of spectator hobby.
I’m not sure what random people gossip inanely about at work in the West anymore. I suspect that they have a difficult time doing it, so simply speak less with their co-workers.
If you can’t ask:
- How about that [sportsball team]?
- Did you see what [celebrity individual] did this week?
- What do you think of the new album from [popular music band]?
Then what can you chatter about?
The death of celebrity culture is good, but the death of chatter is not.
We need to continue to promote our own subculture aggressively, to the point where you are either “in” or “out” of the group of goyim who know. Being a goyim who knows gives you an identity, it gives you a cultural framework within which to communicate with other goyim who know and it gives you something to chat about.
And we’ve got a good position to build a new culture of myth.
Because we have a real life God-Man.
And real life monsters to fight.