Regarding the Walt Bismark Response to AmRen’s Defense of Jewish Journalists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 16, 2016

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Stupid kids! You’ll never get any followers with your little anti-Semitic meme brigades! You have to publish more studies about Black people’s IQ!

American Renaissance recently went out of their way to defend filthy blood-sucking Jew journalists from neo-Nazi trolls. Bizarrely, their article, entitled “Should Alt-Right Trolls Go Easy on the Trigger?,” did not mention The Daily Stormer, and instead put all the blame on The Right Stuff for stirring-up this virulent anti-Semitism against the innocent Christ-killers.

TRS also wants to gas kikes (it’s in their ToS), so I guess that’s cool. I mean. I’ve been left out of things before. One time in high school everyone dropped acid without me and didn’t tell me and so I was just standing around like a retard like “what’s so funny guys, what are you laughing at, is there something on my face????”

This is obviously worse. But not by much.

Walt Bismark has given a decent, long response to this AmRen article.

You’re all probably familiar with Bismark for his Disney parodies. If you’re not familiar with those, check his YouTube.

I basically agree with most of what he says, except the edgy stuff like “well I don’t totally support Hitler.”


Living on the Edge: Walt Bismark has a “nuanced” view of Adolf Hitler.

I dunno, maybe he isn’t really that edgy and just had to respond like this because the AmRen guys called him out as having said that he didn’t hail Hitler, something which could have been said in a moment of confusion, perhaps as the result of some type of psychogenic fugue induced by listening to too many Disney hits.

Seriously though. Let me break out of my belligerent voice that I’m using for this article for one short paragraph and say it straight: Hitler denialism is always going to be seen as backtracking and apologizing. And this is exactly what we’re trying to avoid most. We have to claim the moral high-ground, always, non-stop and never give an inch – full Alinsky – or we will not sustain our momentum and will lose.


The Jews already did the exact that that we are trying to do: they tore down and replaced the dominant social paradigm and created an entirely new culture. As such, we – quite conveniently – have a playbook as to how this is done. We should follow the playbook.

I’m also uncomfortable with the idea of giving apologetics for ironic or perhaps totally non-ironic 1488 Neo-Nazism.

In my view, people not getting the memes is not any type of major issue and part of meme magic is that one has to be initiated to understand what is going on. The initiation process itself also functions as a conversion process.

No one is going to stop supporting Jared Taylor or AmRen because a bunch of anime Nazis on twitter photoshopped some Jew journalist into an Auschwitz uniform, or even associate the two things in their minds. This is just the apologizer/appeaser mindset at work – “oh, these people aren’t apologizing, we need them to come apologize with us or our apologies won’t work anymore.”

Never once in the history of political or social movements has someone gained power through apologies. It is just a simple and obvious fact.


Bismark’s thing will be interesting for a lot of the regulars, I think. A bit of meta-insight into some of the dynamics at work with all of this social revolution stuff.


Though this should go without saying, I will say it anyway.

I respect and appreciate Jared Taylor and AmRen, and my statements here are no in any way intended as an attack on that organization or any individuals involved in that organization (although there are Jews in that organization who I would attack, I’m not doing that today). I believe they are wrong to tell trolls to let-up, and I believe it is necessary to point out why I believe they are wrong.

Hitler said that propaganda is for the masses, while intellectuals only want the actual data. What AmRen does is provide the data for intellectuals. However, they are not propagandists and they certainly are not the radical vanguard of the kind of revolution we are pushing for.

As Walt says in his talk, the logical thing for the likes of AmRen to do is to deny that we exist or claim they know nothing about us. Trying to hold us back or police our tone while we’re right in the middle of winning non-stop is unacceptable.

A rising tide raises all ships.