Remember to Join Gab and Follow Andrew Anglin

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2017

Gab is a Twitter knockoff that allows free speech that I use.

There was some drama regarding the site a while ago, after weev was banned.

However, it does look like the owner of the site, Andrew Torba, was just confused when some boomer on Twitter claimed that the statements weev made were illegal. They haven’t banned anyone else that I’m aware of.

So I just want to remind everyone that it is there.

It doesn’t have very good functionality, though it is slowly getting better.

You have to sign-up for the site to read it – which is so dumb I can’t even process why Torba thinks this is a good idea (is he short on bandwidth?); after he went on Tucker Carlson, I said “he’s gotta have changed that shit…” and logged out to check and found that nope – even with the site on a show watched by millions of people, he does not want people to be able to see what is going on.

But it’s worth it. I post on there a lot now, and we’ve got a solid community. Twitter is supposed to purge everyone on the 18th of this month and probably will.

And regardless of my rage as an investor at some of the stupid moves, Gab functions. There is no app, but you can use it on a phone in the browser comfortably.

I use it now as my primary platform outside of this site, so if you’re trying to get at me, that is the best place to do it. Honestly, I hardly ever open my email anymore.

And of course, it is updated when our domain goes down.

Nothing to Troll

It’s a separate thing to be on a social media site that is only right-wing.

I think there is a chance that large numbers of Jews will follow us over there (some already have). It will be a specific type of Jew though who is trying to “reverse-troll,” and that just gets boring and tedious.

There was a fake news journalist e-stalking me on there a while back and it was like, childish name-calling. It was cringe af. Obviously, name-calling is a part of trolling, but these people are too dense to understand that trolling is a performance art involving multiple complex variables. I don’t want to give away too many trade secrets here, but a mass storm of people calling you a kike is less about being called a kike and more about the mass storm. It is the scale of it. And you always choose targets based on their ability to be emotionally manipulated into doing what you want them to do.

The reasons the Alt-Right is based on trolling is that we needed to use the mechanism of the establishment to draw attention to ourselves, as well as create an image that appeals to youth. This is political warfare, not a plan hurt the feelings of specific individuals.

What is a Jew that goes on a free-speech platform to attack Nazis even trying to do? The fact that it goes on there at all means that it is being trolled – you’re so deep in their heads that after they finally succeed in getting you banned from Twitter they’re sitting around thinking “I wonder what the Groypers are up to?”


These sorts of characters are always going to be boring, and furthermore interacting with them on Gab serves no political purpose (especially when no one without an account can even fucking read what is going on on the site). Creating the feeling of being under siege is a big part of why continued anti-Jewish/anti-journalist operations are necessary on social media – when they come looking for you it defeats the point.

Split Usage, New Trolling

I know you guys used to use Twitter for both trolling and brotherly camaraderie, and I know that’s nice, but you’re going to have to isolate these behaviors. Gab is fine for the latter.

Furthermore, Twitter trolling needs to evolve. Targeted hate speech isn’t viable anymore.

Basically, the whole concept of Twitter trolling is going to have to be transformed into something along the lines of my article “How to be a Nigger on Twitter.” (Something which is literally being taught in schools now, btw. I mean the article is being read as part of a lesson on Alt-Right trolling, not that they’re teaching people how to be niggers on Twitter. Someone posted screenshots from the class and I can’t find them right now.)

It doesn’t have to be just being a nigger, but being some form of leftist in a manner that is basically believable.

That is going to be hard to do, but we have to evolve.

The goal should be to call for insane things – in particular, more censorship. Simply deploying mass-reporting accounts wouldn’t work. You have to embed yourselves into communities and create a demand among them to continue to push the censorship further and further.

The first easy ones would be Alt-Lite figures. Find up old screenshotted Tweets that they’ve deleted.

We have to have Twitter as a company destroyed due to censorship. This will increase calls for regulation regarding speech from Silicon Valley itself.

Endgame 2018

Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince said that he got 35,000 demands to terminate services after terminating those of DS, and that he has no interest in figuring out which of them are or are not too evil to remain on the internet. That is basically what they are all thinking – even Jew Zuckerberg didn’t want to start with heavy censorship on Facebook, and directly refused, back in 2014, requests from the ADL to take down large anti-Semitic pages.

We have to get these laws, at some point. And I would have it be sooner rather than later. The stupid asshole ADL was banking on abolishing the First Amendment and establishing “hate speech” laws, then when Hillary lost they went nuts with these attacks on private companies without realizing it was going to cause the exact opposite of their goal to happen. The Jews should have bought Twitter when they had the chance rather than demand that @jack destroy his own company in order to satisfy them – then when they banned everyone, there would be a little bit of confusion with regards to what caused the company to collapse.

As it stands now, when there are no more Nazis to argue with on Twitter so everyone goes back to Facebook, it’s going to be very clear to everyone what happened: A bunch of Jews went to a guy’s company, said they didn’t like the way he was running it and if he didn’t change the way he was running it to meet their demands they would continually vilify him and his company in the media. He met their demands and it destroyed his company.

Clearly, we have gone way past the point where companies themselves can come out and say “we’re stopping censoring people for their politics.” But what happened to DS – what is still happening to DS – creates a framework for government intervention. Especially when you combine it with kicking people off of Uber and Airbnb – “certain people should be banned from freely speaking, and furthermore, shouldn’t be allowed to move freely or sleep in a warm place because of their political beliefs” is not a proposition that has ever been forwarded, but one which will not be popular if it is isolated from the word “Nazi” (the word itself is losing most of its impact anyway).

We need the government to come in and say “the internet is infrastructure and Silicon Valley doesn’t have any more right to tell people what they’re allowed to say on it than AT&T has a right to decide what you’re allowed to say over the phone.”

And the recent FCC filing that weev wrote about appears to indicate they’re ready to start moving in that direction. Prince flew to DC to demand the government do it.

There are going to be increasing calls for this all around.

CNN is so tone deaf they don’t see it coming and they think “SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN” is still viable, even while they’re talking directly to Matthew Prince.

I guess there is just the assumption on the left that as long as they always push in the same direction, they get what they want. But this is a situation where they have pushed way, way too far and this is just going to swallow itself up.

I don’t know how expansive government regulations will be. It’s possible they will end up only covering critical infrastructure like Cloudflare. But all of the companies want to be put under this. I guarantee you. Because these people are calling for Twitter to ban the President of the United States – it’s in the above CNN clip! – and that is not sustainable. It is clear that they are not going to kick all the Groypers off and be done with it.

They’re pushing for everyone that disagrees with anything Jews say to just be outright banned from everything.

So there is a chance that Twitter will be legally forced to let us all back on. But until that happens, get on Gab.