Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2015

We keep hearing about these 11 million “illegal” Mexicans, and this is largely a fake-out. At the same time as these media figures are talking about these Mexican invaders, they are also saying “I’m for legal immigration” as if legal immigration is somehow good.
Well, in 2013, 990,553 people were granted lawful permanent residence in the United States, and 779,929 people naturalized US citizens. These numbers were higher last year and will be higher this year. Meanwhile, boarder-hopping has actually slowed.
So while “illegal” immigration is certainly devastating, the real shot to the head here is H1-B1 “guest worker” visas, asylum seeking and random green card permits handed out to brown stink-weasels from anywhere.
This again shows the way the conservative movement is completely controlled, as they refuse to openly discuss the massive problem of legal immigration, while rattling on endlessly about the significantly lesser problem of “illegal” immigration.