Rep. Clyburn: Black Politicians Should Promote Black Interests

Daily Stormer
May 9, 2014

James Clyburn, a politician who actually cares about his folk.
James Clyburn, a politician who actually cares about his folk.

Black Representative James Clyburn recently criticized Black Republican Senator Tim Scott, claiming that Scott votes against the will and interests of Blacks in his own state. While we certainly do not endorse Clyburn’s Democratic policies, we sympathize with his sentiment.

Clyburn’s comments get to the heart of nationalism. One’s true constituents aren’t those who vote for you, they are those who share the same blood.

From the Daily Caller:

Republican Sen. Tim Scott doesn’t vote according to the color of his skin, Assistant Democratic Leader Rep. James Clyburn complained in a Thursday Washington Post article.

“If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95 percent of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess that’s progress,” he told the Post.

The kosher conservatives will gladly repeat Clyburn’s comments as evidence that the Democrats are the “real racists”, showing once again that the only acceptable political strategy in America is to prove oneself to be a slave to Jewish political correctness.