Report From a German Immigration Center Worker

Daily Stormer
August 30, 2016

0:00 I arrive early every morning at the office. The asylum seekers are already sitting around in the hallway,
0:04 so first I lock the door on the inside. I need to see if there are new asylum packets,
0:08 a new safe country of origin, because of residence perspective.
0:12 Then it begins. Somehow, in German and in English, but most can speak somewhat,
0:16 I mean they didn’t just arrive yesterday.
0:19 “Give my money”, “I am man”, “I f*** you”, You Nazi”.
0:24 After the 30th or so I myself began to talk like that, I was reprimanded,
0:27 so now I shut my mouth, it’s going to be so “colorful” in Germany.
0:31 We could use a security service. These guys sit in front of me and masturbate,
0:36 fumble with the zipper, play with the pocket knife, whine, get grumpy, get loud.
0:42 Pure aggression. Not everyone, of course. That’s important for me to say,
0:46 so I won’t be suspected of being a racist.
0:49 But the majority, they are just like that.
0:52 They’re young blokes, they’re fit, they have an ego, they demand, they require.
0:55 Respect, they want. Reciprocally, there is none.
0:59 The phones run hot in our offices. Female colleagues from the initial admission places,
1:03 a lot of them give up the job. Even for me it just gets a bit too close sometimes,
1:07 and I’m almost 50, and we had a meeting about how to deal with this.
1:11 Yeah, how, then? The colleagues should wear high-necked clothes.
1:15 The next day, two female colleagues called in sick.
1:18 We would like to send Germans with migration backgrounds to the initial admission places,
1:22 but women especially don’t want to do it.
1:25 Nobody asks us, are you Muslim, are you Christian,
1:28 because in Germany we have ‘tolerance’.
1:31 The refugees, however, they distinguish themselves precisely
1:34 according to their beliefs. In the camps Muslims are the majority,
1:37 very clearly so, and the people from the security service,
1:40 they’re almost all Muslims from Germany,
1:43 so the Christians from Syria and Iraq have zero chance.
1:46 They get beaten, and the Security men just watch.
1:50 With the women it’s the same.
1:53 At the washing machine the Christian woman gets attacked by the Muslim woman:
1:56 ‘You have to wait, you are haram’; with Muslims ‘haram’ means unclean.
1:59 ‘You don’t wear a hijab, you are not a human’.
2:02 ‘Your boy is unclean, he can’t play with my boy’.
2:05 That’s how it goes. In gyms, barracks, container camps, Islam reigns.
2:10 Many have speakers and then everybody has to listen
2:14 to what the Imam tells them and rams into their brains.
2:17 The German security people are not intervening. And what could they do anyway?
2:21 Razzias? And immediately afterwards, business will just continue as usual.
2:24 So one has to just take that, because there are so many of them.
2:27 They don’t want it any other way. You can try to integrate as many as you want —
2:30 Germany can accomplish integration. But how then, exactly!?
2:33 This isn’t dressage, or re-education. That’s something the migrant would have to want for himself.
2:38 It’s all men, men, men. Very young, most of them.
2:41 When at the office a woman tells them something,
2:44 or a woman may deny them a demand,
2:47 that just doesn’t even exist for them, and they start talking to each other
2:50 in their own language. I’m not supposed to understand it.
2:53 But his sneer, I understand perfectly.
2:56 Sure, they’re all under pressure, but that’s not the problem.
2:59 They have no respect for females, and I sit there in front of them,
3:02 and I have power, and they develop hate, hate of us Germans.
3:05 Everything we have fought for here in Europe,
3:08 the equality of women and men, most of them despise it.
3:11 And that’s why the Right gets new followers, they hate Muslims,
3:14 yet they profit from them, and on top they have a lot of common with them
3:17 in terms of their subjugative culture.
3:20 And so the black African has to clean the toilets — the Arabs force him to,
3:24 and at night he gets raped next to the toilets.
3:27 Most of the Muslims feel discriminated against when they’re told to clean.
3:30 In the camp, even among the men, it’s everybody’s turn at some point.
3:33 Cleaning the community kitchen, sanitary areas,
3:36 but it’s always the black guy first,
3:39 and after the black guy, the light skinned Christian, that is the reality.
3:42 We at the base, we know that, we can see it.
3:45 This job requires a lot of strength.
3:48 Those who are litigating right now, the Syrians and Eritreans,
3:52 because for over a year now they’ve been waiting for an answer from BAMF
3:56 whether they will finally be accepted as asylum seekers,
3:59 because they want to work, because they want to get out of the camp,
4:03 I’m okay with that, because when you, as a case worker, say even the slightest thing
4:06 to the people above, it doesn’t do any good. (…)
4:10 Syria, that’s clear. There’s civil war, it’s difficult for them,
4:14 but a lot don’t even come from there, and we have to verify that.
4:17 “So tell us, how does it look in Syria?”
4:20 Says he, “everything kaput.” The translator is being threatened,
4:24 right in front of my eyes, I don’t understand anything anyway.
4:27 The young men from the Arab areas, they show us school report cards,
4:31 immaculate, 70% of them fake.
4:34 We know that, but one has to prove it. Presumption of innocence.
4:38 We are a constitutional state. So you just put these people on a waiting list.
4:42 There are some where you immediately notice that things are right,
4:46 so you like to help, and so a few crooks get through, oh well, we need them too.
4:52 But that’s just not how it is. More than 75% are cheating us.
4:55 We know it; they know it.
4:58 The men have zero perspective where they come from,
5:01 especially the young guys. It is a mass emigration. The women have
5:04 to bear kids, even more children, and the sons emigrate.
5:07 They come to us and ask for asylum, because they have to,
5:10 because Germany is not an immigration country;
5:13 every demand for asylum is a single incident. That’s basically our assignment.
5:17 Recording personal information, fingerprint and photo for the ID card.
5:21 If you receive a decision to deport, you go to your community,
5:25 get different papers, and see a colleague of mine.
5:28 We can’t continually compare our individual records.
5:31 The refugees supply each other with apps full of information about us,
5:35 which are the most lenient offices, there are also apps from German Jihadists.
5:40 Eritreans, that’s where lives have to be saved.
5:44 The women from there are totally intimidated, they look at you with sad eyes.
5:48 No energy, lifeless, but their integration, how is that supposed to go?
5:52 They are thrown into our offices and remain lost.
5:55 Their men sit down and wait until they get something.
5:58 I never once encountered one that had a plan.
6:01 Those from North Africa, they know what they want.
6:04 A better life. But asylum seekers they are not.
6:07 And there are already so many of them here, they are clogging the system,
6:10 and on top of that they’re creating the most problems.
6:13 Some real cute lads among them, but incredibly disrespectful.
6:16 They send their youngest ones to steal, adolescent single offenders,
6:19 so they don’t get punished, and they all know it too.
6:22 “Yeah, well,” it is then said, “we have to create incentives.”
6:25 Such rubbish. They should’ve never even been let into the country.
6:29 Most North Africans come from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya.
6:33 They’re losers who were gang members already back home.
6:36 Just what kind of work should they do here? This is a high-tech country.
6:40 They submerge themselves into their communities, get a monthly allowance
6:43 from us; that’s fine with them. They get €143 every month,
6:46 There is concern from up high that the refugees might feel insulted
6:49 if the money were transferred to their refugee card.
6:52 That way they can’t save money to send home,
6:55 and without cash, of course, they can’t bribe anyone either.
6:58 But that would be important. There are many blacks who would accept it.
7:01 But not Arabs. They feel discriminated against. I keep being amazed at all their demands.
7:06 Again and again some disappear from the camps, and it’s always young men.
7:10 Sometimes six of them, or ten, or twelve.
7:13 The camps are empty the next morning.
7:16 Of course they’re free humans, and not prisoners,
7:19 so there are no indications to go look for them.
7:22 For them we also don’t have fingerprints yet, no names, nothing.
7:25 They may have family and go there, which would be good because
7:28 at least then they’d be taken care of. Or not.
7:31 Where do they disappear to? Just recently there was another train of refugees
7:34 from Lower Bavaria northbound, 700 refugees, not yet registered.
7:39 20 of them pulled the emergency brake, took off, what’re they going to do?
7:42 The young girls, often still children, are almost all pregnant,
7:46 raped while they fled.
7:49 So the predominant attitude is: we don’t have to put them into school,
7:52 that isn’t helpful for their integration at this point,
7:55 and anyway we don’t have enough teachers.
7:58 I mean are we in Afghanistan and North Africa here so we can neglect girls?
8:01 I gained weight in the past months, chocolate treats against the frustration.
8:04 To my colleague this all is a question of fate. Germany has to help,
8:07 despite that we’re basically importing jihad and IS into the country, he says.
8:12 I like that. That’s just so constructive.
8:15 We need people, Germany has to become younger, they tell us from above.
8:20 Is that not a summons to immigrate?
8:23 The asylum seeker who isn’t one, for months he squats in the initial reception center.
8:27 From there to the communal center, one more year, and another year.
8:31 Can’t immigrate, can’t work. It’s obvious that one or the other would have bad ideas.
8:35 It is pure insanity. We need an immigration law.
8:38 We need quotas. And from above, they block it all.
8:42 Does anyone know why?