Report: ISIS Trains Kids to Decapitate Blue-Eyed Blonde Dolls in Preparation for Slaughtering White People

Sven Longshanks and Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 22, 2014

The young Arabs are taught using blonde, blue eyed dolls to represent White children.

Islam is clearly not just a religion opposed to other religions, but a non-White collective racial identity opposed to Whites as a race.

Formerly White lands invaded by these people – including Egypt, Carthage and Anatolia – are now all irretrievably polluted with the Negro-adulterated blood of Arabs.  The White women that refused to breed with the savages were killed outright along with the White men.

The powerful and possibly Jew-connected terror group ISIS is now said to be training juvenile troops in ways to kill White children as they prepare to wipe out the last remaining White nations left in the world.

Non-White juveniles are now the most enthusiastic audience for beheadings in the Islamic state.

Syria Deeply:

This summer, in his hometown of Raqqa, 13-year-old Mohammad was forced to attend a children’s training camp established by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). When his father opposed his son’s conscription, ISIS fighters threatened to kill him. Mohammad left for camp, which his father describes as a form of “brainwashing the children.” After his return, his mother says she was surprised to find in his bag a blond, blue-eyed doll – along with a large knife given to her son by his ISIS supervisors. When she confronted Mohammad, he told her that the camp manager had distributed the dolls and asked that the children decapitate them using the knife, and that they were asked to cover the dolls’ faces when they performed the decapitation. It was his homework: practice beheading a toy likeness of a blond, white Westerner.

Those living in the eastern city say ISIS has instituted rules banning traditional children’s games and forcibly conscripting children to ISIS. They say ISIS is recruiting children under 15 to special ISIS camps established to introduce minors to the foundations of their brand of Islam.

Some of the male children are then transferred to an adult military camp, where they are trained to use arms and fight. Sources familiar with activity inside the camp say in order to teach the children how to use knives, ISIS has distributed dolls with blond hair and blue eyes, like many Europeans and Americans, dressed in orange prison uniforms like those worn by prisoners in Guantanamo. The children are given large knives and told to decapitate the dolls.

Mohammed said that older kids were asked to show the rest of the group how to decapitate dolls. Anyone who failed to perform the task was punished.

As goofy and ridiculous as this sounds, I am guessing it is at least partially true.

Though maybe it is completely made up.  Because the actual physics of decapitating a plastic doll with a knife are unclear to me – it seems that the knife would have to have a serrated blade, and you would have to saw through the plastic.  Or you would just pull the head out of the joint, as was done with the head in the picture they use for this story.

Can’t help but lol.

Anyway, sensationalized nonsense or genuine pervert stupidity, the fact remains: Muslims hate White people and want to kill us all and steal our women.