Report Shows Vast Majority of Children at Risk of Being Groomed and Raped are White

Telegraph and Argus
January 8, 2015

118 of the children at risk were White, out of the 150 identified.

MORE THAN 150 children in the Bradford district were deemed at risk of being sexually exploited in a six-month period, a new report into grooming has revealed.

The study into how child sex exploitation is being tackled locally reveals the number of children that have been referred to a specialist hub, consisting of council, police and health workers.

The report also breaks down the ethnicity of the 158 children referred to the Child Sexual Exploitation Hub between April and September last year.

It shows 99 were white British, 19 from “other white” backgrounds, 23 Asian, 14 mixed heritage, and in three cases ethnicity was not recorded.

In terms of age, 17 were under 12, 30 were aged 12-13, 65 were 14-15 and 46 were over 16. Meanwhile, 30 of the children were male.

The document, being presented to Bradford Council’s executive committee next Tuesday, also reveals details about what is being done to stop abusers, and that the hub is currently investigating 48 separate cases of suspected grooming.

Children are referred to the hub from numerous sources, including social services and charities, and flagged if they are at risk of being groomed.


The previous six months, October 2013 to April 2014, had seen 170 children referred to the hub.

Last month, a further 55 children were assessed and deemed to be a “high risk” of grooming. Eight of these children were of gypsy or Roma heritage.

The report, by Paul Hill from the Bradford Safeguarding Children Board, reveals some details of ongoing investigations. Of the 48 cases, 18 suspected abusers are Asian, 11 white British and two Eastern European.

Seven suspected groomers are currently awaiting trial due to investigations by the hub, and four people have been convicted over the past six months. One has been found not guilty, and one received a caution.

There is also an investigation being carried out by West Yorkshire Police’s Homicide and Major Enquiries Team, which deals with more complex cases. That investigation is mainly based in Keighley, and 26 men are currently on bail and “likely to be charged in 2015.”

Suspected groomers are being given ‘child abduction warning notices’ which let them know they can be arrested for associating with certain children who officers believe are at risk of exploitation.

Since April 2013, 40 of these notices have been served.
