Report: Trump Attempted to Bribe Macron to Get France Out of the EU

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2018

I sure do hope this is true.

It is certainly possible.

Trump openly supported Brexit, so this certainly wouldn’t be surprising.

But you know – a WaPo kike with “unnamed officials” as a source – not exactly evidence for really anything at all.

But I want to believe.


President Donald J. Trump urged French President Emmanuel Macron to leave the European Union (EU), offering him a generous trade deal with the U.S. if he did, according to claims made in a U.S. newspaper.

The offer of a favourable bilateral trade deal with better terms than France gets from its arrangement with the Brussels bloc was aimed at “undermining” and potentially pulling the EU apart, it has also been claimed.

President Trump and Mr Macron have developed a close relationship, and during a visit to Washington, D.C., according to the Washington Post, President Trump asked his French counterpart: “Why don’t you leave the European Union?” before hinting at the trade deal.

Josh Rogin, a Washington Post columnist, cited two unnamed EU officials as his source, and described the offer as “an instance of the president of the United States offering an incentive to dismantle an organisation of America’s allies, against stated US government policy”.

The White House and the Elysée Palace have not commented or confirmed the claims, but the offer is consistent with President Trump’s wider suspicion of globalist blocs, including the EU, and multinational free trade deals, which he says disadvantage the U.S.

Mr Rogin does not report on President Macron’s response to the offer, but it is unlikely he was interested as he is currently pushing for deeper EU integration, and France is a founding member of the globalist bloc.

However, the Washington Post report argues President Trump was attempting to inflict “enormous” damage on the EU.

This is what needs to happen.

It will eventually happen, regardless.

But if Trump is already actively attempting to make it happen… then he really is that much greater, isn’t he?

What he needs to do is make this same deal with Italy.

Because the thing about dominos is…

…you only have to flick the first one.

Everything is coming to a head, right now.

The stars have aligned.