Fine Irish Lad Lays Out the Facts for Snakelike State Department Spokesman

This is a couple days old now, but I wanted to share this video of Greyzone reporter Liam Cosgrove confronting State Department spokesman Matthew Miller on the US plan for global war.

He talks about the push for nuclear war with Russia as well as the ongoing genocide being committed by the Israelis.

Miller accuses him of “giving a speech,” which is perhaps partially accurate, but the fact is, no one ever has a chance to push back against these government people. We already know that their answers are meaningless slogans and nonsense, so there is no real reason to ask a question. The US government does nothing but lie. The best you can hope to get out of an answer is to make one of them look stupid, so it’s better to just give a speech.

Giving a speech during a Q&A with some low-level government spokesperson is the closest any American will ever get to a “petition of grievances.” In a democracy, the popular will has no impact at all on the behavior of the government. Not only is there no mechanism to influence government, there is no mechanism to even bring your problems to the government. Democracy is the perfected form of tyranny.

Therefore, if you get a chance to give a speech to a government spokesperson, you should take it. You’re never going to get anything better than that.