Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2015

Our government is such a complete joke. It literally makes me physically ill to think of my dead grandpas who both fought in wars (WWII and Korea) so that everything this country is can be pissed away by a bunch of Blacks and Jewed-out crazies.
Earlier this week, the Republicans wrote an open letter to Iran, basically threatening them with war in an attempt to undermine peace negotiations. The letter comes after the Republicans invited the King of the Jews to give them instructions on how to start a war with Iran. The foreign monster Netanyahu literally spoke in front of our entire government, and the spineless Negro ruler complained but did nothing to stop it.
Obama is trying to negotiate peace with Iran, and I think that there is probably at least something about this that is genuine. His entire Presidency has been the worst failure not only in the history of America, but in the history of all countries. Clearly, he knows this, and I think he wants to do at least one thing right.

The Jews, of course, are demanding a war with Iran, because… well, no one really understands why. Ostensibly, they are afraid Iran is going to build a nuke and then send it on over, but I don’t believe it is possible that anyone genuinely believes that could happen. More likely, it is simply that Jews have a neurotic disorder which requires that no one ever question them, and Iran and the rest of Shia Islam is questioning them.
A total of 47 senators signed the letter ostensibly meant to dissuade Iran from negotiating with Obama (which is nonsensical), but in reality meant as yet another demonstration of total submission to Netanyahu.
The letter was penned by Tom Cotton, and even Fox News’ Meghan Kelly said it was stupid and literally laughed in his stupid face.
The poor guy might actually be mentally retarded. Also, looks quite Jewy, though I can’t find anything about that.
Now even the Republicans themselves are admitting it was stupid.
Senator Bob Corker, one of the few Republicans in the chamber who did not sign the letter, told the Daily Beast that he “immediately knew that it was not something that, for me, anyway, was going to be constructive”.
“I didn’t think it was going to further our efforts to get to a place where Congress would play the appropriate role that it should on Iran,” he said.
Senator Jeff Flake and hawkish congressman Peter King also called the wisdom of the letter into question. King told reporters on Tuesday he thought the letter set a poor precedent: “I don’t trust the president on this, quite frankly, though I don’t know if I’d go public with it to a foreign government.”
Flake said the letter was “not appropriate or productive”, and that the matter of Iran’s nuclear capabilities is “too important to divide us among partisan lines”.
How could any person at all have possibly thought this made sense?
The Jews are pointing out that it was an entirely Jew operation – either by William Kristol or AIPAC.
Then some Harvard Jew pointed out that most of what was stated about US law in the letter was wrong. And it’s wrong on basic points, such as in claiming that only the Senate has to ratify treaties, when it even says on the Senate’s own website this isn’t true.
Most importantly, it is completely obvious that the Republicans violated the Logan Act, a law signed by John Adams in 1799 which prevents unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.
The law reads:
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
It is overwhelmingly clear that the Republican letter violates this, and yet Obama is too much of a spineless welp to do anything about it.
All of these bastards should be in prison. From both parties.
This is completely out of control.
I am embarrassed.