Repulsive Jew Author Re-Writes Shakespeare and Makes Shylock the Hero

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 13, 2014

An enraged Shylock fails to get his pound of flesh from a Christian.

The arrogance of these charlatans knows no bounds. A vile Jew has decided that Shakespeare was not quite good enough and could do with being improved upon by his own degenerate hand.

How is this any different to that idiot woman a while back who painted over an icon, or that anarchist ‘artist’ who paints over classical paintings in museums?

It is different because it is one of Satan’s own doing the vandalism.

The Independent tells us that Howard Jacobson, who exemplifies the hideousness of the Jewish form, has decided to rewrite The Merchant of Venice to make Shylock the hero.

Howard Jacobson – le happy merchant

Despite the fact that the Jews had not yet dreamt up the term ‘anti-Semitism’ at the time of Shakespeare, the award-winning rat still managed to accuse him of it and bring up the holohoax all in one sentence.

“Mr Shakespeare probably never met a Jew, the Holocaust had not yet happened, and anti-Semitism did not have a name,” he said. “Can one tell the same story today where every reference carries a different charge?”

You do not need to have met a Jew to know what one is like Mr Jacobson, the damaging effects of having them in our nations is obvious for all to see.

In a typical display of Jewish double standards the grotesque author was only last year screaming and whining about censorship, when leading actors tried to block an Israeli theatre company from performing in Britain.

“Whoever would go to art with a mind already made up, on any subject, misses what art is for.  So to censor it in the name of a political or religious conviction, no matter how sincerely held, is to tear out its very heart,” he wrote. “For artists themselves to do such a thing to art is not only treasonable; it is an act of self-harm.”

Yet here he is now, doing the exact same thing to Shakespeare.

Jacobson is going to re-write The Merchant of Venice to make Shylock the Jew into the hero. Pope Francis may have been the inspiration for this.