Research Shows You Really Can be Nagged to Death

Daily Mail
May 10, 2014


It’s a warning for any man who feels he is being constantly nagged – by his wife, the children or even the neighbours.

Researchers have found that ‘excessive demands’ from partners, family or those living nearby can more than double the risk of death in middle-age.

They say the stress caused by arguments or general worry can lead to heart disease and also lower the immune system leading to other health problems.

And the effects appear to be far greater in men because unlike women they don’t share their problems with close friends or family.

Danish researchers who carried out the study say many men only confide in their wife or girlfriend – the very person who may be giving them grief.

Dr Rikke Lund and colleagues from the University of Copenhagen followed 9875 Danish men and women aged 36 to 52 for 11 years.

All had filled in detailed questionnaires to establish how often they faced demands or had conflicts with partners, family, friends or neighbours.

Questions included ‘In your everyday life, do you experience conflicts with any of the following people?’ and ‘do you experience that any of the following people demand too much of you?’

Over the 11 year period 196 of the adults died – causes ranged from heart disease, cancer, liver disease from alcohol abuse and suicide.

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