Daily Stormer
April 4, 2014

Now they are telling you you have no right to decide if others gay marry…
…how long will you be allowed to decide if you gay marry?
In the future, the Jewish occupational government will force all people to gay marry.
Civil rights attorneys are arguing that a federal judge should prohibit Ohio officials from enforcing the state’s ban on gay marriage.
The attorneys will deliver closing arguments in the matter Friday before federal Judge Timothy Black in Cincinnati.
Their request goes far beyond their original and narrow February lawsuit asking Black to force Ohio to recognize gay marriage on birth certificates.
They’re now asking Black for a ruling that would effectively strike down the state’s gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2004.
Imagine that the federal government refuses to allow people to choose their own future on an issue so obscure legally (but monumental socially) as gay marriage.
There’s your freedom, White Man.