Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices: Settling Each ISIS Refugee Costs Only $20,000

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2016


They have so much to teach us.

Each ISIS member being brought to America only costs $20,000 to settle.

You might be sitting there thinking like “thank Allah for Barack Obama, he really got us a great deal on these ISIS members he’s enriching the country with.”

Ah but friends. You really need to thank Paul Ryan. He is the one who approved the budget omnibus bill which included provisions for tens of thousands of ISIS members to come to America, and without him, there is no way Obama could have pushed through such unpopular legislation.

paul ryan isis

Truly then, Obama is a great ally of ISIS. But ISIS has no greater ally than Paul Ryan.

Washington Examiner:

Federal taxpayers are on the hook for nearly $20,000 just to settle each refugee and asylum seeker, who are then immediately eligible for cash welfare, food stamps, housing and medical aid, according to a new report on the “refugee industry.”

The report provided federal budget figures showing that the government spends $19,884 on each refugee the U.S. takes in.

And that number is set to jump if President Obama gets his way and brings in an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in this year.

The report from the Negative Population Growth Inc. said that the U.S. is currently accepting about 95,000 refugees and asylees. That is in addition to the over 500,000 legal and illegal immigrants coming to the U.S.

And that isn’t even close to enough.

We need billions of these poor, illiterate brown people if we truly want to overcome racism or become diverse or enriched with vibrancy or whatever.

After all, America is a country of third world non-White welfare dependents.

It focused on the industry created to accept the $1.8 billion in federal support to help refugees settle and sign up for further cash awards from Uncle Sam. The refugee agencies get a small portion, or about $1,875 per refugee they help. The rest goes to the United Nations, which helps to determine eligible refugees, and state agencies.

The State Department spends about $1.28 billion, and Health and Human Services another $609 million.

And here are the statistics on the other costs:

— 47 percent of refugee households received cash assistance.

— 74 percent of refugees were on food stamps.

— 56 percent are on Medicaid.

— 22 percent receiving housing assistance.

It’s really extremely reasonable when you consider all of the benefits that Moslems offer to America.

Just think of kebab, for instance.


Or how interesting it is when you see them in their wacky clothing, walking down the street. Or maybe how intriguing it is when you hear them shouting in Arabic or Somalian when you’re trying to buy something at a store.

Or how about mosques? Those sure do offer an enriching element to formerly White neighborhoods, don’t they? I mean, sometimes you’re walking through America, and you’re like “am I in America or Saudi Arabia? What the hell is going on?”

That type of “what the hell is going on?” experience is worth a hell of a lot more than $20,000 in resettlement fees plus perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of benefits over the course of their lifetimes. And yes, it’s also worth what will potentially be millions of dollars that each refugee’s children will receive in government benefits, and the tens of millions their grandchildren will receive.

There simply is no price too high for Islamizing your country.