Retard Boy’s Bitch Mother Throws Hissy Fit Over Lack of Crane in Toilets

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2018

This is just sad.

A crazy woman is dragging her retard child to theme parks where he probably giggles at the flashing lights and drools all over himself right up to the point when he shits himself and finds out that the park doesn’t have a suitable crane-mechanism in the toilets to lift him up to take a dump before wiping his ass and lifting him down.


A severely disabled boy is suing a theme park for failing to provide a suitable “changing places” lavatory.

Adam George, 11, claims Flambards Theme Park, in Cornwall, discriminated and failed to make reasonable adjustments for him under the Equality Act.

Changing places toilets are required by an estimated 250,000 people in the UK who need extra specialist equipment.

Flambards says it takes inclusion of all visitors seriously and has made adjustments to its toilets.

The company says a permanent changing places toilet would cost over £40,000 – an expense that could affect jobs. 

And now, over one retarded child’s mother’s bitch-baying over her disgusting brood, the park has to fork over a ridiculously large sum of cash to create a special crane-toilet.

Bad enough that this kid is obviously on welfare and getting taxpayer money. Unfathomable sums, I’m sure.

But what about the rest of us? The normal people. Why is that you can’t go to a single park anywhere in the West without seeing drooling, disgusting retards being pushed around by their delusional SHAMELESS mothers?

Used to be that people would cover retards up IF they let them live.

The reason was simple: it proved that you were a genetically worthless woman who sired retards – which was considered SHAMEFUL. Nowadays, these fat, ugly, worthless whores push around their mutant devil spawn PROUDLY and shove them in your face as you’re trying to enjoy your date, your day off, or your mandatory time doctor-prescribed time away from the computer.

And for years, I rationalized it.

Oh, it’s not their fault. Those poor retarded children. I would hate to be born like that. I need to be compassionate. I need to have sympathy. I should fight the powerful disgust reflex stirring in my gut.

But I am done with that.

I don’t want to see these freaks anymore. I’m tired of the weakness, the ugliness, the constant lowering of standards across the board, the ridiculous hoops we have to jump through as a society to walk on egg-shells around these “people.”

It begs a larger question: why are we as a society incapable of doing a little “evil” for a greater good?

It’s this idea that we’ve had hammered into our heads that “every life is precious.” This objectively isn’t true and we all know it.

Depending on what we do with our lives or what we sacrifice our lives for, maybe, just maybe, we can become “special.”

Pretending to see beauty in the ugly and twisted and deformed is no longer something I can do.

And frankly, I blame the Christian fundamentalists for this. They recently started this cult of worshiping retards and pretending that Jesus loved them the best.

I’m not going to mince words here, this woman should have aborted the child or euthanized him, then herself for being such a complete cunt. Instead, she decides to sue the park.

Under the Equality Act 2010, all service providers are under a duty to make “reasonable adjustments” to ensure that, as far as possible, disabled people enjoy the same experience as the non-disabled.

Rachel recognises that it is not reasonable to expect small cafes and shops to provide changing places toilets.

But she says: “A place like Flambards, a theme park, where they expect people to arrive in the morning, stay all day, eat, drink, stay late for the fireworks show, I personally think it reasonable that I can use the toilet when I go there.

“So why shouldn’t Adam? Why shouldn’t all disabled people be able to have their toileting needs met with dignity and safety?”

How about this question: why does everything have to be about toilets and poo-poos and pee-pees in the West nowadays?

Adam’s case claims that Flambards has discriminated against him and failed to make “reasonable adjustments” for his needs.

It is believed to be the first case brought on whether the provision of a changing places toilet is “reasonable”.

It raises the question of what is “reasonable” in terms of cost for a business to incur in order to comply with the Equality Act.

Deluded cunts like Rachel are why we can’t have nice things. 

It’s why we have to have guardrails everywhere, why everything is made of soft and rounded plastic, why we have to wear helmets and cover ourselves in bubble-wrap for a nice cycle around the suburb.

Playgrounds used to be cleverly disguised culling grounds for the weak

It’s all about lowering things to the lowest common denominator and blaming society for not keeping up with the rapidly falling standards.

What our ancestors used to do.

No, Rachel, the government is not obligated to provide cranes in all theme parks for you and your retard boy. The taxpayer should not have to fork over money because you didn’t have the foresight to not have a child when you were pushing forty or to abort the monstrosity when you knew that he would have birth defects.

That’s on you, not us.

And get this, after the park put in the special toilet, Rachel was still not happy:.

But Mrs George says the size of the toilet at Flambards and the equipment do not meet Adam’s needs, and that she was not consulted when the park put in the new equipment.

Wow. Just wow. This looks like a NASA Space lab and it’s still not good enough.

She also disputes the £40,000 cost of a changing places loo, claiming one could be put in for closer to £10,000.

The Georges’ solicitor, Chris Fry, of Fry Law, sees their legal challenge as part of a shift in society’s understanding of disability.

“This case is part of an evolution in awareness of disability rights and how to enforce them,” says Mr Fry.

What can be so complicated about taking a shit? 

Why do we need lawyers and special facilities and articles and discussions? What good does your devil spawn do for society, Rachael? He’ll be dead before he hits thirty, will never contribute, and will not be able to fight in the coming Race War.

He’ll just be hanging there, suspended from his little crane while the niggers overrun your high-tech space base toilet and then rape you and him.

In the meantime, you have to make a big stink about him and your “cause” to ignore the simple fact that you made a colossal mistake – one of many in your life and no matter how much you sue the park or the government, the problem here is clearly you and your retarded child, not us. Not the normal people.

It’s all on you.