Revealed: Goofy Dumbfuck Christopher Columbus had to Have a Moslem Tell Him How to Find America

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer 
October 10, 2017

A new film has revealed that the goofy dumbfuck Christopher Columbus had a Moslem explain to him how to find America.

Diversity Macht Frei:

Remember, kids. It was Muslims who told Columbus how to get there.

This ridiculous propaganda scene is from the Spanish mini-series “Requiem for Granada”. In it, Granada is under siege from the Christian forces of Ferdinand and Isabel. Christopher Columbus somehow sneaks through the battle lines to talk with a wise old Muslim, who gives him maps and tips on how to reach America.

This closes the chapter on the mystery of how a stupidass white man could accomplish something so great as sailing a boat across a sea.

That was the missing link.

We knew that all white men do is shoot each other, start wars and rape college co-eds, and we knew that in order to build America whites had to bring over Africans to build and invent everything in America. But we still wondered: how did this silly, stupid white fuck figure out how to sail a boat?

It should have been obvious from the beginning a Moslem jihadist was responsible, but we are still working through years of lying history written by illiterate white retards claiming that they did everything in history to find the real truth.

Glad to see another mystery solved.

So maybe instead of singing the national anthem, it’s time we started singing “Allah Akbar”?