Revealed: Not Even Jew-Lovers Enjoy Being Touched by Niggers

The worst lie your parents told you was that Hitler was dead. He’s alive and well. He’s the beast under your bed… in your closet, in your head!

Scott Jennings is one of the biggest ever shills for the Jews. Well, probably not one of the biggest ever, that would be a long list and probably no one even knows who this guy is.

He worked for George W. Bush in his 20s and 30s, and now in his late 40s with no career progress, he’s become a pro-Jew media figure. He’s been rising through the ranks since CNN decided to incorporate pro-Jewish “right-wingers” on their panels.

Many do not appreciate Scott Jennings’ face

Aside from defending the sickening Jews, and promoting their satanic global agenda, Jennings promotes inane “culture war” issues that do not matter, just like Ben Shapiro with his show “The Tranny Hour: Why I Am Against Trannies in Sports, Live Every Day We Are Talking About Trannies in Sports, With Host Ben Shapiro.”

As of late, Jennings (following Shapiro) has been on the jihad to defend insurance companies.

The only culture war issue that actually matters is “should CEOs of major corporations be shot in the street?” and of course, all of the culture warriors are on the wrong side of this issue. Because it’s not a culture war issue, it’s an economic and political issue, a question of the way the American government colludes with large businesses to cruelly loot and abuse the American people.

Anyway, I was shocked to find that even someone who loves the Jews as much as Jennings does not enjoy being touched by niggers. The niggers are the favorite pet of the Jews, sent to enrich us. Ben Shapiro would never complain about niggers touching him. But Jennings did that live on air on CNN, telling some nigger to stop touching him.

Many people have noted that Jennings is going around talking about Daniel Penny (now that this is safe to do), and yet he failed to put that nigger in a chokehold and snuff out his worthless life, which is what Daniel Penny would have done if he’d been touched by that nigger.

“Time to say goodnight, coal train!”

However, citizens of the internet argued that while no one wants to be touched by niggers in general, they would make an exception for that other CNN person on with Jennings, a female nigger.

One individual wrote: “Of course, no one wants to be touched by niggers, but I wouldn’t mind if that particular nigger touched me, specifically if she touched my penis with her full, luscious lips.”

That female nigger, who is yet to be identified, did not respond to Daily Stormer requests for comment on whether or not she would be performing fellatio on white supremacists from the internet. However, our Editorial Board considers the lack of a response to mean “yes.”


Scott Jennings is of no relation to celebrated singer Waylon Jennings, a true American who would have done a Daniel Penny on that nigger as soon as he walked into the room, never giving him the opportunity to go for the grope.