Reverse DyRo: Black Gunman Shoots Up White Church

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2017

Composite image of the shooter.

What are we to do as a society when someone shoots up a church?

Well, the Dylan Roof episode already provided us with a good template.

First, make sure to place the blame on the shooter’s entire race.

Then, you start a campaign to make their flag illegal. In Roof’s case, it was the confederate flag.

Finally, you track down whatever web sites the shooter might have been reading and agitate to shut them down – or at least implicate them in the crime.

I’m sure things will follow the same procedure with this Black shooter. Right?

Washington Post:

A gunman wearing a ski mask stormed into a Nashville-area church on Sunday, shooting seven people before attacking a church usher who then confronted the man with a weapon and subdued him, Nashville police said.

The shooting — which left a 39-year-old woman dead — occurred shortly before noon at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tenn., about 12 miles southeast of downtown Nashville. Police identified the alleged shooter as Sudan-native Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, of Tennessee, who they said is a legal resident of the United States. Police said Samson will be charged with murder and attempted murder.

The Burnette Chapel Church seems to be a mostly White multi-culti shitlib church.

God blessed these women with niglet grand-children. Praise the Lord!

So this is pretty much a direct equivalent between this event and the Dylan Roof shooting; A Black guy shooting up a “White” church.

Don Aaron, a spokesman for the Nashville Police Department, said Samson drove up to the church and shot and killed a woman who was standing near her vehicle in the parking lot. The gunman — who police said was armed with two handguns — then entered the church through a rear door, shooting and wounding six people inside.

It’s a good thing Blacks can’t shoot, or this could have been a whole lot worse.

At some point during his rampage, the gunman also pistol-whipped a church usher, causing “significant injuries” to the man, Aaron said. The usher, 22-year-old Robert Engle, confronted the gunman, police said, and during a struggle, Samson was injured with a shot from his own gun. The usher then ran to his car and retrieved a handgun, police said.

Aaron said the usher ensured the gunman did not make any more movements until officers arrived on the scene. “It would appear he was not expecting to encounter a brave individual like the church usher,” Aaron said.

It’s a good thing Usher was on the scene.

Usher’s chief weapon is surprise.

Oh, wait, wrong usher.


You don’t wanna mess with these guys.

So, are we going to get non-stop coverage of this story for a few weeks, if not months? Will the media call on the Sudanese flag to be banned in order to prevent such future violence?

I wouldn’t count on it.

In fact, I’d be surprised if this is still in the news tomorrow.

Because, obviously, the Jews and their liberal golem don’t actually give a damn about church shootings. They only care about the destruction of America and the White race. So if a story doesn’t further this aim, it’s going to be buried.