Richard Branson Says UN Planning to Push for Legalization of All Drugs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 20, 2015

Heads up: This guy again.

Richard Branson is saying that the UN has a plan to call for the legalization of all drugs, globally.

I can’t really see why he would be making this up.

The Independent:

In an extraordinary post on his Virgin website, Richard Branson said he had been showed a report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) which dramatically changed the organisation’s stance on drug control.He said the “as-yet unreleased statement” had been sent to some of the world’s media under embargo – but that he has gone public with it early for fear the UN will “bow to pressure by not going ahead with this important move”.

The UN was preparing to declare “unequivocally that criminalisation is harmful unnecessary and disproportionate”, Branson wrote. A document changing the UN stance on drug control was supposed to be released at a conference in Malaysia on Sunday, he said, but that has now been delayed.

“As I’m writing this I am hearing that at least one government is putting an inordinate amount of pressure on the UNODC,” he said. “Let us hope the UNODC, a global organisation that is part of the UN and supposed to do what is right for the people of the world, does not do a remarkable volte-face at the last possible moment and bow to pressure by not going ahead with this important move. The war on drugs has done too much damage to too many people already.”

Funny that such a call would take place in the midst of the invasion. In Europe (America isn’t going to do this, regardless of what the UN say), narcotics are used more by Whites than by minorities.

Across the planet, heroin is mainly a White thing.
Across the planet, heroin is mainly a White thing, possibly because it is the only addictive hard drug which allows you to keep working while on it.

Legalizing these drugs will make them more widely available as people seek to escape the nightmare of living in a diverse hell without a real chance for lucrative employment in a society where all money is funneled into programs for the colorfuls.

Branson is a total cuck for all Jew policy, and has even gone so far as to praise Mama Merkel (PBUH) for her invasion stratagem and demanded Britain adopt a similar “infinity Blacks and Moslems” policy.

Ultimate cuck does not have your interests in mind.
Ultimate cuck does not have your interests in mind.

Press Association:

“It brought tears to my eyes and a lot of people’s eyes when Germany offered to take a million people in, and we saw the train loads of people going to Germany,” he said.

“Germany needs the biggest hug from the world for their bravery, for doing the right thing.”

Sir Richard said Germany stands to financially benefit enormously from the effective open-door policy, which has proved controversial within the country.

“If you turn the clock forward five years, Germany will be a much stronger country as a result, but they still did the right thing,” he said.

“There are certainly countries that could benefit from taking more refugees in, and obviously the refugees themselves desperately need homes.”

This guy wants more weak drug-addled Whites who can’t fight back against the strong young Moslems.



Branson posted the document on Twitter.