Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 3, 2015

The Jew James Howard Kunstler, on his blog Clusterfuck Nation, has an article up about Donald Trump entitled “Worse Than Hitler.”
It is not the typical Jew screeching about “a new Holocaust” that you would expect from such a title by a Jew, but rather is something much more clever.

For those unfamiliar with Kunstler, he is a niche-filler who claims to be neither left nor right. He is mostly known by those in the know as a peddler of confusing Jew nonsense couched as “reasonable alternative analysis.”
The Jew Kunstler begins by telling us that he understands Trump’s positions on immigration, and likes that he’s raising real issues, trying to indicate that the title of the piece – which again, is “Worse Than Hitler” – is ironic in some way.
Immigration is a practical problem, with visible effects on-the-ground, easy to understand. I’m enjoying the Trump-provoked debate mostly because it is a pushback against the disgusting dishonesty of political correctness that has bogged down the educated classes in a swamp of sentimentality. For instance, Times Sunday Magazine staffer Emily Bazelon wrote a polemic last week inveighing against the use of the word “illegal” applied to people who cross the border without permission on the grounds that it “justifies their mistreatment.” One infers she means that sending them back where they came from equals mistreatment.
Oh so he’s disagreeing with the goofy liberal Jewess Emily Bazelon – maybe he’s one of those “good Jews” I’ve been hearing so much about.
If he’s disagreeing with a liberal Jew, he must be one of those.
I mean, right?
It’s refreshing that Trump is able to cut through this kind of tendentious crap. If that were his only role, it would be a good one, because political correctness is an intellectual disease that is making it impossible for even educated people to think — especially people who affect to be political leaders. Trump’s fellow Republicans are entertainingly trapped in their own cowardliness and it’s fun to watch them squirm.
Hey, wow – I agree with that entire paragraph!
He must be the good Jew we’ve been searching for!
But wait a second here…
But for me, everything else about Trump is frankly sickening, from his sneering manner of speech, to the worldview he reveals day by day, to the incoherence of his rhetoric, to the wolverine that lives on top of his head. The thought of Trump actually getting elected makes me wonder where Arthur Bremer is when we really need him.
Wow, that was an abrupt turn!
Now he is openly calling for Trump to be assassinated!
For those who don’t know, Arthur Bremer is the guy who attempted to assassinate Georgia politician and White Rights activist George Wallace while he was running for President in 1972.

The next several paragraphs of Kunstler’s piece is a rambling bit of nonsense about how he thinks The Donald is a silly person and how he doesn’t like the way he uses language. He even mocks his hair, and implies he isn’t really that good at building buildings.
He then says that Trump would start wars, because other people in other countries wouldn’t like him, (apparently because of his personality and manner of speech).
Trump’s notion that he can push around world leaders such as Vladimir Putin by treating them as though they were president of the Cement Workers’ Union ought to give thoughtful people the vapors. It doesn’t seem to occur to Trump that other countries could easily get pugnacious towards us. He would have us in a world war before the inaugural parade was over.
No elaboration on this is provided. It is just “well, the guy is goofy, he’ll start a war with someone somehow, someone better kill him quick.”
The Jew finally concludes:
The trouble is that it’s not inconceivable Trump could get elected. Farfetched, perhaps, but not out of the question. The USA is heading for a very rough patch of history — as those of you with your eyes on the stock indexes lately may suspect. The country stands an excellent chance of waking up some morning soon to discover it is broke and broken. When that happens, all the anxiety and animus will be focused on looking for scapegoats, and they are likely to be the wrong ones. World leaders considered Hitler a clown in the early going, too, you know. But the Germans were wild about him. He pushed a lot of the right buttons under the circumstances. Trump is worse than Hitler. And the American people, alas, are now surely a worse lot of ignorant, raging, tattooed slobs than the German people were in 1933. Be very afraid.
Oh. So it really was about how Trump is worse than Hitler, and the first bits that the title was meant to be ironic were just a fake-out.
I see…
For those with eyes to see, seeing is not hard. Kunstler is simply another Jewish ethnic activist, acting out against Donald Trump, trying to thwart the man who has become the symbol of White America rising.
He comes at you like “oh yes, goyim, I’m on your side about immigration, and this political correctness of my fellow Jews has gotten very silly, but you see, stupid goyim, if you elect Trump as your President, something really bad could happen. He has a bad personality and he could maybe start a war or something – just like Hitler, who was the most evil man in history.”

In short, Kustler is no different than the goofy Jews whining about how evil Trump is for being a racist. Because the words of Jews don’t actually mean anything. The pro-immigration Jews who hate Trump don’t really care about the brown people, and this anti-immigration Jew who hates Trump doesn’t really care about stopping immigration.
All that any of these people care about is destroying White people. And right now, it looks like Trump is at least claiming to have a plan to do a lot to help White people.
They will come from every angle. So you must be alert. You must be vigilant. Whenever you hear something against Trump, look for the hooked-nose behind the curtain.
Richard Spencer Agrees with Kustler (I Guess)

Much more bizarre than the Jew claiming Trump should be assassinated because he has a goofy personality is that Richard Spencer, a pro-White activist and blogger, apparently agrees with Kustler.
Over at Radix Journal, Spencer has a piece responding to the Kustler piece entitled “Something for Nothing.”
Strangely, the article does not mention that Kustler is a Jew, nor make comment on the call for Trump to be assassinated.
Stranger still, the commentary Spencer offers doesn’t really seem to relate directly, or even indirectly, to what the Jew Kustler is saying.
Spencer begins:
James Howard Kunstler’s latest article on the Trump phenomenon is entitled “Worse Than Hitler.” It’s hard to read that headline and not conclude that Kunstler has become a parody of the uptight, shrill, self-righteous, delusional liberal intellectual . . . or alternatively, a conservative.
But, in fact, the title is a head-fake. Kunstler (who’s neither Left nor Right) is one of the few who actually gets immigration.
As I stated above, the title of the piece was not a fake-out, the article merely begins by implying that it is, then concludes with the claim that yes, Trump is actually worse than Hitler. Disturbing that Spencer doesn’t see fit to note this (maybe he didn’t read the whole article?).
I am also disturbed by the fact that Spencer simply takes a Jew media figure – not known for being a particularly honest bunch – at his word that he is opposed to immigration, even while in the context of a vilification (and call for the assassination of) the only Presidential candidate who is vocally opposing immigration.
Having quoted Kunstler’s attacks on Trump’s person (which I didn’t bother to quote above, because they were childish and seemingly without meaning), Spencer begins his commentary (which, again, does not appear to follow directly from the Kunstler article:
In July, Jeb Bush said that, in order to reach his arbitrary GDP growth goals, Americans would have to “work longer hours.” His statement was so rhetorically stupid that I almost appreciated his honesty.
Trump, on the other hand, promises “new management.” With Trump, along with the “amazing” “superstars” he’ll hire, Americans will get better “deals” with Mexico and China. In other words, something (in this case, national greatness) for nothing.
Why is the word “deals” in quotations? Is this meant to imply that trade deals are not an actual thing? I don’t know. What I do know is that international trade deals are indeed an actual thing, and that a globalist – and disproportionately Jewish – capitalist elite has employed underhanded and criminal methods to negotiate abhorrently unfair trade deals, for the express purpose of robbing America of the wealth it has worked for generations to acquire.
Giving us back some of our wealth by renegotiating these trade deals would not be “something for nothing,” any more than if a Black guy steals your bicycle – which you worked all summer to save up and buy – and the police bring it back to you, you would have been given “something for nothing.”
I am completely unclear on how this would not be obvious to anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of what NAFTA, GATT and now TPP have done to American industry and, in turn, national wealth and, in turn, “national greatness.”
Spencer continues:
Rhetorically, it’s brilliant. That said, the usual GOP bullshit about “opportunity” and America being a place where “anyone can do anything” has a built in fail-safe. If your life doesn’t turn out as planned in a Republican utopia, you weren’t working hard enough or you didn’t dream big enough. Trump promises that your life will be better because Trump will make it better.
Trump promises that lives will be better because he will change the ideology under which America presently functions.
It is simply an objective fact that America is hemorrhaging wealth and opportunity, on both the personal and the national level, because of a corrupt elite which has sold us out.
A successful renegotiation of trade deals designed to remove manufacturing jobs from America would, objectively, bring jobs back to America.
Stopping corporations from using H1B visas to replace American tech workers with lower-paid employees from India would, objectively, result in fewer Americans losing their jobs to H1B visa Indians. And this would not be giving them “something for nothing,” it would simply stop the government from working with corporations to take away their jobs.
I personally have no idea if Trump will actually do any of this if he is elected. And I do believe a discussion about whether or not Trump would indeed do these things he is promising is a very valid discussion, and one we need to be having. But that is not what Spencer is talking about here.
In actual fact, Spencer does not appear to be talking about anything at all.