Richard Spencer Banned from the National Press Club for Being a Racist Hater

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 8, 2016


Sweet logo. I’m glad people are running with the retro-futurism aesthetic. It will lead us to victory.

Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow had booked the First Amendment room at the National Press Club for a press conference tomorrow on the Alt-Right.

It was canceled without any explanation. I guess because of hatred for the color of the skin.

Daily Caller:

The National Press Club (NPC) has canceled a planned Friday press conference featuring several members of the alt-right, just hours after the event was announced.

The National Policy Institute (NPI) had booked NPC’s First Amendment Room for three hours Friday to host a press conference featuring three leading figures from the so-called “alt-right,” a mostly online political movement opposing multiculturalism and political correctness, as well as mainstream conservatism. Along with NPI’s Richard Spencer, the event was to include editor Peter Brimelow and American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor.

The event touted itself as a public explanation of the alt-right and its goals, in the wake of a speech by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton denouncing the movement.

“What is this movement, which has been called ‘dangerous,’ ‘radical,’ and ‘fearsomely intelligent’ by its observers?” the conference’s Eventbrite page said. “How has the Alt Right—born on the Internet in the past eight years—attracted so many passionate fans and critics and become a force in American politics in such a short period of time?”

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to NPC for an explanation of the cancellation, but did not immediately receive a reply. NPI, for its part, claims the cancellation was an effort to censor their views, and denounced NPC accordingly.

“The press club gave no indication that they would cancel or were uncomfortable with the event,” NPI program manager Hannibal Bateman said in a statement given to TheDCNF. “While they are a private entity, it’s a bit ironic to disinvite us from a ‘First Amendment’ lounge. Ultimately it shows our views are having an impact and the powers that be don’t want to hear dissent.”

NPI has held events at NPC in the past. The organization’s 2015 conference was held there last October, and all the way back in 2011 it held a press conference there for the release of its report, “The Majority Strategy: Why the GOP Must Win White America.” Those events haven’t been without controversy, as the 2011 event was denounced by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The good news is, the event is not being canceled, but moved. The Eventbrite page for the site says that its location will be announced tomorrow.

It’s not clear whether or not it will be livestreamed, but it appears that it won’t be. Hopefully the entire event will be posted on YouTube, as I am personally very excited to hear what Richard Spencer’s beliefs are and what he sees to be the goals of the movement.