Richard Spencer on Reddit’s Ask Me Anything

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2014

Go ahead.  Ask him.
Ask him!
It's unclear how he wrote his name backwards.  This is a very special skill.
It’s unclear how he wrote his name backwards. This is a very special skill.

Richard Spencer is on Reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” all this week.

Though I have had some disagreements recently with some of Spencer’s associates, I am not posting this so people will troll him.  Don’t troll Richard Spencer.  He’s a good guy, if a little misguided from my personal perspective.  He is a useful person.  He has also taken the same position as I, and attempted to remain outside of drama – and you have to respect that.

I am reporting it only because it is news, and I think some of our readers may enjoy the opportunity to ask him a question.

Don’t even bother to ask about the Jewish Question, as that will merely make him uncomfortable.

Might want to ask him how he managed to write his name backwards.  I hear Jared Taylor can do that as well, but only because he knows Japanese.