Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 13, 2014

I support all pro-White persons. It is my policy. This policy developed over time, I suppose, but at this point, I have no desire to attack anyone.
That said, I have had some exchanges with person’s who disagree with me, generally about the Jews or my supposedly hardcore approach. These persons associate with what is generally referred to as the “intellectual wing” of the White movement.
My disagreements with these people were outlined in a piece I wrote two months ago (to the day, as it so happens) entitled Infinite DramaQuest.
The two biggest figures in this movement are Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer.
Whereas Taylor claims that Jews “look White to me,” Spencer, in commenting on a Jew’s recent op-ed claiming Jews are not White (I commented on it also), stated explicitly that Jews are not the same thing as White people:
Pigmentation really is “just skin deep.” it’s a significant, but by no means definitive element of race. Identity is formed by a combination of race, culture, spirituality, and history. And Ashkenazi Jews have an identity apart from Europeans.
In thinking about this issue, a good place to start is Richard Lynn’s The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement.
It is good he said this. Hopefully he will continue to move toward such discussion. I like Richard as a figure, and believe he probably could have success in politics if he took a slightly more populist stance. I guess he is still figuring all of that out.
To comment on the blurb: I am, for the most part, a biological determinist, at least when it comes to collective identity (individual personal development is a separate issue), and would argue that race, culture and spirituality are all expressions of genes (history is just a series of events that takes place based on the actions of individuals and the collective in response to situations, so is a combination of genetics plus random chance and/or acts of God).
I am not sure why he chose to phrase it like he did, as it too easily reads that race equals pigmentation and that the actual differences between Whites and Jews have to do with something much more subjective than DNA. Though I don’t think that’s what he meant.

I would also argue that skin pigmentation is not particularly significant, save that it is a representation of genes which coincide with genes determining the psychological make-up, intelligence and behavior of an individual within certain populations. If all of the sudden Black and White people switched skin pigmentation (and nothing else), what exactly would change?
Many North Asian people have the same skin pigmentation as White Europeans and European Jews, yet they bear very few similarities beyond that.
Anyway. My point of drawing attention to this was to praise and not to critique. Just wanted to add that bit there so I can pretend I am also an intellectual at the next cocktail party Jared Taylor invites me to after I get kicked out for getting smashed and trying to start fist fights, Romper Stomper style.