Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2014

As it turns out, the Nobel Prize of James Watson, which he was forced to sell after having been “disgraced” and forced out of society after stating the obvious fact that Black people are genetically less intelligent than Whites, was bought by Alisher Usmanov, the richest man in Russia.
Mr. Usmanov has said he will be giving the gold metal back to Watson, calling him a hero.
Brings a tear to the eye, even if Usmanov is a Muslim married to a Jewess (he himself is obviously not Jewish, or he never would have done this – amazing his Jew wife didn’t stop him from doing it like Alex Jones Jew wife stopped him from not selling penis juice).
Mr Usmanov said in a statement that he was the anonymous telephone bidder who bought the medal at a Christie’s auction last week.
“In my opinion, a situation in which an outstanding scientist has to sell a medal recognising his achievements is unacceptable,” he added.
“James Watson is one of the greatest biologists in the history of mankind and his award for the discovery of DNA structure must belong to him.”
Usmanov, worth $14.4 billlion, is also the second richest man in Britain where he lives, according to the Sunday Times. He owns a bunch of Russian infrastructure, plus most of the Arsenal soccer team.

Wouldn’t it be nice if he would throw a bit of money behind backing up what Watson said, rather than just Watson as an individual?
I can dream, can I not?