Daily Stormer
June 18, 2014

Sneaking Texas snake oil salesman Rick Perry has announced that he is Jewed-out.
Mr. Perry, who has attended Tarrytown United Methodist Church, an evangelical megachurch, since the 1990s and was baptized in a local river in April, told The New York Times that he has a strong connection to the Jewish community.
“I’m more Jewish than you think I am,” Mr. Perry said in an interview published Tuesday. “I read the part of the Bible that said the Jews are God’s chosen people.”
Mr. Perry reportedly made the comments while visiting a Jewish deli in Beverly Hills, California, during a trip to promote businesses in his home state and to speak with a group of Jewish Republicans in Los Angeles.
The potential 2016 presidential candidate has made several trips to Israel over the years and reportedly said, “Boys, I am going to bless this meal,” after ordering a corned-beef Reuben and a Diet Dr Pepper.
Sounds like Ricky would make a great President of the United States.
But wait. He isn’t black or a woman, so I don’t know if it is possible. No matter how much he loves the chosen people.