Rick “Prairie Home Companion” Perry Endorses The Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2016

rick perry

We’ve still got seats left on this Train, but they’re selling out fast!

Hipster-glasses Rick has endorsed The Leader.


Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry told CNN Thursday he will support Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee and will do everything he can do to help him get elected.

Perry, speaking by phone from his hometown of Roundtop, Texas, acknowledged Trump is not his ideal choice. When Perry was a candidate for president earlier in the 2016 cycle, he was the first to come out and criticize Trump and question his conservative credentials, calling his candidacy a “cancer on conservatism.”

“He is not a perfect man. But what I do believe is that he loves this country and he will surround himself with capable, experienced people and he will listen to them,” Perry said Thursday.

“He wasn’t my first choice, wasn’t my second choice, but he is the people’s choice,” Perry added.
After he ended his own bid for president, Perry eventually endorsed fellow Texan Ted Cruz, and campaigned hard for him.

“When Ted said he is done and suspending his campaign — that was the last individual who had a chance,” he said, speaking of beating Trump.

“I believe in the process, and the process has said Donald Trump will be our nominee and I’m going to support him and help him and do what I can,” Perry said.

“He is one of the most talented people who has ever run for the president I have ever seen,” he added, saying Trump knows how to market and brand like no one he has ever seen.

Perry, speaking on the same day House Speaker Paul Ryan told CNN that he was “just not ready” to back Trump, urged the party to unite behind the presumptive nominee.

“We need to come together and heal the wounds,” he said.


“Come together and heal the wounds”!

Congrats, Ryan – you’re a bigger faggot than the guy who decided to wear SJW glasses to try and look smart!

The lines continue to be drawn: who will join the National Populist future, and who will be left behind in the Age of Cucking.

Tomorrow, I’ll try to draw up a map of who’s who.

Or, you know, someone else could make an infographic showing who’s endorsed and who’s declined, and then I could post it.