Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2015

Americans are fed-up with wars and tired of endless immigration.
So what are Republican presidential contenders doing?
Trying to out-do one another by telling of the endless numbers of immigrants they would allow in and how quickly they would start new foreign wars with non-threatening countries.
Republicans wooing Iowa’s most active party members called Saturday for a stronger presence in the world but ran the gamut in tone and just how tough to get with America’s enemies.
On Armed Services Day – and a day the Obama administration reported killing a senior Islamic State leader in Syria – most of the nearly dozen GOP presidential prospects at a state party dinner called for a more confrontational stance toward Iran.
Former Sen. Rick Santorum’s answer for handling Iran, one of four countries on the U.S. list of nations accused of repeatedly supporting global terrorism, was to “load up our bombers and bomb them back to the seventh century.”
What’s the relevance of the seventh century, you ask?
Why, that’s when the White Persians were invaded and conquered by the Arab Moslems, raped and turned into a race of brown mutts.
The Islamic conquest of Iran took place between 633 and 656, so if he bombed them back to the beginning of the seventh century, he could actually fix their gene pool.
But I don’t think that’s his plan at all.