Right Wing Buddhist Death Squads NOW!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2018

You will live to see Buddhist Death Squads do battle against Moslem savages in your lifetime. In fact, the first shot against the world-wide Islamic menace will probably be fired off by the Buddhists who despite their pacifist religion, still have some of Ashura’s wrath inside them, waiting to be unleashed on filthy hajis.

And it will be glorious. It’s already happening all over the Buddhist world.

You know you must have done something wrong when peace-loving Buddhists hate your guts.

And a new front has recently opened up in Sri Lanka.


Mobs made up mostly of Sri Lanka’s predominately Buddhist Sinhalese majority torched Muslim homes and businesses in the island-nation’s central hills near Kandy, a day after the government imposed a state of emergency to quell days of violence.

According to Reuters, Muslims have also been targeted for allegedly vandalizing Buddhist archaeological sites and some Buddhist nationalists have “protested against the presence in Sri Lanka of Muslim Rohingya asylum seekers from mostly Buddhist Myanmar, where Buddhist nationalism has also been on the rise,” the news agency writes.

As part of the emergency decree issued on Tuesday, the government ordered telecommunication service providers to block access to Facebook, Viber and WhatsApp. Colombo says the social media platforms were being used by extremist groups to incite violence.

The Hindu newspaper in India writes that violence began Sunday as a road-rage incident “… in which a group of Muslim youth beat up a Sinhalese driver, who later succumbed to injuries. Police arrested the youth, and 24 other suspects in connection with the ensuing violence and arson attacks, which claimed the life of one Muslim youth in Digana town, Kandy. Amid mounting criticism of the police’s ‘poor response,’ President [Maithripala] Sirisena on March 6 declared Emergency Rule – a move that, according to his Ministers, allowed the government to summon the Army into ground action.”

Liberal heads will explode when they will be confronted by the news of righteous Buddhist resistance to the Moslem menace all over the world.

All of a sudden, the Dalai Lama will become a Neo-Nazi figure.

Which I’m totally fine with.

We should make a Buddhist/White Nationalist alliance and we should do it ASAP.

With their Buddhist monk magic and our superior military organization and war tech, we would be invincible together.