Right-Wing Parties Have Highest Approval Rating in EU Election Polls

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2019

At this point, basically everyone hates everything.

Other than Salvini and Sargon of Akkad, Europe doesn’t really have any good mainstream right-wingers. But people will vote for any of them just because they hate everyone else.


One in 10 Europeans will back right-wing parties in the upcoming European Union elections, according to a new study, pointing to growing support for Euroskeptic movements across the bloc.

A Bertelsmann Foundation study found that right-wing parties with a populist, nationalist or Euroskeptic bent received the highest level of voter approval of any single political grouping. 10.3 percent of voters said they would cast their ballots for right-wing parties, while only 6.2 percent said they positively identified with left-wing groups, and 4.4 percent with a Green party.

Right-wing parties have seen a surge in support amid growing disillusionment with Brussels. Those parties include Italy’s Lega Nord, France’s National Rally party, as well as the right-wing Alternative for Germany – commonly known by its German acronym, AfD.

The research indicates that voters care more about stopping parties and policies they dislike than advancing a positive agenda of their own, which, the researchers said, could end up feeding movements on the fringes.

“Many citizens no longer choose to back one party, but rather vote against parties they oppose the most,” said Robert Vehrkamp, a co-author of the Bertelsmann study.

The entire function of an adversarial political system – a “democracy” – is to secure votes from people who hate people you are not.

This is an utterly retarded system where no one ever promotes anything positive, they just point out how negative other people are, and no one votes for anything, they all vote against things.

Because no one is actually offering anything, but some characters are more despicable to certain individuals than other characters.

In 2016, Donald Trump ran on an agenda of promoting things that people wanted to see happen.

In 2020, having accomplished absolutely none of the things he was promoting, he will run on an agenda of hating the other side.

“Make America great again” has become “socialism is scary tho and also they hate the Jews.”

The entirety of Western civilization is now about punishment avoidance. No one is actually trying to do anything.

The outcome of this isn’t necessarily negative, if there are actually people who are good involved in the government. Hitler was put in power because everyone was so sick of everything that they were like “okay whatever, just let that guy with the mustache who hates the Jews have a shot at it then.”

But we don’t have any Hitlers.

Not yet, at least.

The European Parliament is Stupid Anyway

All of the EU policies are written by unelected technocrats.

The EU parliament is literally pointless. It does actually nothing. It is a body with literally no power, which exists simply to make it vaguely appear as if there is a democratic element to the EU, because you’ve got these people meeting in a room and yelling at each other. They make zero decisions about anything.

But it is going to be so much fun if Sargon gets in.