June 4, 2014

EU Election:
UKIP came in first place by making immigration their biggest issue. Both the Tories and Labour have no conceded they have lost support because of mass immigration into Britain.
UKIP took 24 of Britains 73 seats, or 33%. The right-wing Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party [UDP] also gained a seat. The Tory party was humiliated, gaining only 19 seats. The Liberal Democrats completely disintegrated, gaining only one seat. Only seven of the eleven seats lost by the Liberal Democrats went to Labour. The Marxist head of the Labour party Ed Milliband has conceded that UKIP took votes from the left because of immigration.
The makeup of the British EU delegation is essentially as follows:
Right-wing: 25, 34%
Center-Right/Neo-con: 20, 27%
Left-wing: 28, 38%
Scotland, a far-left/Socialist stronghold, will swing the British parliament way to the right if they vote to secede from the UK this fall.
The Front National, which is even more right-wing than UKIP, came in first place. They took 24 of the 74 French seats.
The French Delegation:
Right-wing: 24, 32.5%
Centrist/Center-right: 27, 36.5%
Socialist: 19, 25.5%
Communist: 4, 5.5%
France has swung way to the right because of immigration.
The Danish People’s Party [DF] is essentially a single issue party fighting immigration. The party has been a kingmaker in the Danish parliament for years. Despite the fact that Denmark is still pretty left-wing, they successfully passed some of the toughest anti-immigration laws in Europe. The strategy has been to require that others parties support their anti-immigration measures in exchange for their support on other types of legislation.
The party got 4 of Denmark’s 13 seats. This is double what they achieved last time. They are already in an alliance with UKIP.
The Danish Delegation:
Right-wing: 4, 31%
Center-right: 3, 23%
Center-left/Socialist: 6, 46%
Denmark has swung way to the right because of immigration.
The bottom line is that stopping mass immigration and open borders has been the winning issue. It is the cause for the explosion of popularity in UKIP, FN, and DF.
It was widely reported in the media that Geert Wilder’s Dutch Party of Freedom [PVV] had lost a victory. The media claimed this was a great victory against the right-wing. It now appears that PVV did not lose a seat. A right-wing Calvinist party, that is an alliance with UKIP, also maintained their one existing seat. The results now show they maintained their four seats. The current makeup of the Dutch delegation shows most parties staying the same. The left-wing youth oriented D66 gained a seat and the left-wing Green party lost a seats. A new left-wing animal rights party gained a seat. The Dutch delegation increased by one seat, so this allowed everyone else to maintain their seats.
Dutch delegation:
Right-wing: 5, 19%
Center-right: 8, 30.5%
Centrist: 1, 4%
Socialist/Center-left: 10, 38.5%
Communist: 2, 7.5%
Tiny shift back towards left.