Riverside: Mall Locked Down with Machine Gun Wielding Paramilitary Police After Robbery

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2015

Mall Panic! Disco inferno!
Mall Panic! Disco inferno!
WOW - That's a lot of cop cars.
WOW – That’s a lot of cop cars.

The new normal is that normal Black/Mexican crime will be treated as terrorism.

The Press Enterprise:

Three men who used hand tools to rob the Ben Bridge jewelry store in the Galleria at Tyler Sunday, Dec. 6, in Riverside prompted a massive police response due to earlier reports of a shooting. The suspects remained at large.

“It went out over police channels as a shooting because apparently people heard the sound of breaking glass and they confused it with gunfire,” Riverside Police Chief Sergio Diaz said.

More than 30 police vehicles responded — including several from Rialto and San Bernardino – and officers were geared up with assault rifles.

The rumor of a shooting and the massive police response sent chills down Violet Gonzalez’s spine.

“I’m scared,” said Gonzalez, of Riverside, who lives near the area where police were searching for suspects. “Who wouldn’t be scared with everything that’s going on with ISIS? When you hear something like this is happening it makes you think there is a terrorist attack.

The large police response, however, put her fears to ease.

“Don’t worry, Mamacita. It’s just Blacks, not ISIS. Please return to eating burritos and getting pregnant with more welfare children.”


What a retarded country. This has all just gotten so completely stupid, it’s unbearable.

Riverside City Councilman Mike Gardner agreed.

“The very large public safety response was due to the initial report which proved to be wrong,” Gardner said in a Facebook post. “It is reassuring that we can generate that level of response should it be needed. Let us pray we never do need it.”

Well, buddy.

You’re going to need it eventually.

Because on a long enough timeline, everything eventually gets attacked by Moslem terrorists.

Police have found what they believe is the robbers’ abandoned vehicle but are still searching for the suspects.

A helicopter, which was flying very low in the neighborhood, was blaring a message for residents over its loudspeaker: Stay indoors.

All intersections that cross Harrison Street were blocked off in search of the suspects.

At 6:30 p.m. three males entered the jewelry store and started smashing glass with a sledgehammer, according to a Riverside police news release.

Officers responding to the mall locked it down. Though the suspects fled the mall after the robbery, officers conducted a store-by-store search to ensure the safety of mallgoers, the release said.

So, there you have it. We are now entering a full-on police state mode, because any situation caused by idiot Blacks could potentially be Islamic terrorism.

Look at this:

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Is that what you want to be dealing with every week because it’s “our values” to allow Moslem terrorists to live in our country and leech welfare?

Why would anyone want that?

In a real White country, you wouldn’t have Islamic terrorism. What’s more, you wouldn’t have Black violence which can be mistaken as Islamic terrorism.

Instead, everything would be chilled-out and normal.

But we have to have terrorists and serial criminals because it is our values to have these things.

So sayeth the Planet of the Apes Occupation Government.
